“Oh,” I say, oddly delighted by that. Far more than I should be.
She slides me a sly grin. “But he invited you.”
I spread my arms, and water skims beneath my fingers, creating ripples in the pool. “I sort of invited myself, actually. And I’m guessing he’s just doing his best friend a solid by helping out his kid sister.”
Don’t read more into it, Nina.
“He’s not who the world thinks he is,” Tabby says, her voice low, a little sad.
“What are you two whispering about?” Cole asks as he surfaces in front of us.
“You,” Tabby says and splashes him.
“Hey,” he says and lunges for Tabby. He grabs his sister and as he dunks her, he shoots a glance my way, a devilish grin on his handsome face. “Lies, all lies,” he says. “You can’t believe anything she says.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Tabby comes up sputtering. “Cole, I’m going to kill you!” As Cole swims away, I shake my head to get it on right. No way, no how, can I for one second believe there is a deeper reason that Cole invited me into his home.
With water dripping from my shorts, I hurry inside the house, grab my wallet off the table and meet the delivery guy at the front door. I turn the money over and he hands me three extra-large pizzas. Guess Nina must have thought we were all starving. She wasn’t wrong.
“Ooh, food,” Tabby says, and lifts a box when I set them on the kitchen counter. “Smells delish.”
“I’ll get the plates,” Nina says, and reaches into the cupboard, looking so natural in my kitchen, it hits like a punch to the gut. I can’t take my eyes off her as she stretches, her towel lifting slightly, exposing the soft curve of her backside as she reaches over her head. She sets the plates and four tumblers on the counter. “I’m going to get changed first, I’m freezing. Cole keeps this place like a meat locker.”
“When was the last time you were in a meat locker?” Tabby teases, and Nina laughs.
I slide in beside Nina and put my arms around her, warming her body with mine. “Maybe I keep it cold for other reasons.”
“Do you think of anything else?” she asks, and gives me a playful whack.
“Hockey, remember?”
“Right,” she says with a laugh, and pushes me away.
As she heads toward the stairs, Tabby bites into her pizza, snuggles up to Jack and says. “Well, it’s working.” Jack runs his hands over her to keep her warm, and when she smiles up at him, it hits me how good they are together. Jack places a kiss on her head, but she begins to shiver.
“Why don’t you go get dressed, babe? You’re freezing.”
“But food.” She takes another big bite.
“It will be here when you get back.” Jack takes the slice from her and bites into it.
She crinkles her nose. “Fine, just don’t eat it all while I’m gone.”
“I’ll make sure to save you a couple slices,” Jack says.
“I won’t,” I say, and she glares at me, the look reminding me so much of Nina that I laugh.
She places a soft kiss on Jack’s cheek. “My brother is a big bully, but I know you’ll save me a slice. You’re way nicer,” she teases.
“I’d give you all the pizza, babe,” he says.
She sticks her tongue out at me, turns, and Jack stares after her as she hurries up the stairs to get dress.