“I cook for him,” I say, and that little grin of hers returns.
“Thanks for taking care of him, Nina. I got here as soon as I could, and if you want a break from the duties, I’m totally here to help.”
“No,” I say quickly. “I don’t mind. Plus, Cole is helping.” I cast a glance at Cole. “He’s becoming a pretty good cook.”
Tabby looks at her watch. “As much as I’d like to put that to the test, it’s too late to start cooking. How about we order a pizza?”
Cole nods in agreement. “Please…” he says, his eyes big, his look boyish as he pleads. “I’ve been eating healthy all week.”
I laugh and grab my phone off the table. “What does everyone want?”
After I get the orders, Cole tosses his arm over his sister’s shoulders, and she grabs Jack’s hand. “Let’s get you settled in your room.”
She says something back, but I can’t hear it as they exit the kitchen. Whatever it was, it must have been funny, because they’re all laughing. My heart wobbles at their closeness as I punch in the number to the local pizza joint. There’s a big part of me that wants that kind of close relationship with my family.
Once done, I make my way back to the living room and flop down on the sofa. I flick the TV back on, waiting downstairs so they can all have their privacy upstairs. I half watch the show, and half go over all my notes from the games we’ve watched together, but every time I hear a laugh from the upstairs bedroom, my heart squeezes. Their closeness is so nice, and makes me long to have that with Cason, my parents.
When they all come back downstairs, Tabby has a bathing suit in her hands, and Jack has swim shorts on and a towel over his shoulder.
“Who’s up for a swim?” she asks. “It was a long-ass flight, and I know Jack and I need to stretch out.”
“Pizza will be about thirty minutes, so we have time,” I say and stand. “I’ll grab my suit.”
“I’ll help,” Cole says with a grin.
Tabby rolls her eyes, wry amusement on her face when she says, “We’ll meet you out there.”
I dart up the stairs with Cole and he has a perma-smile on his face. “You miss her a lot, don’t you?”
We both go to his room, since I moved my stuff into it a week ago, and I pull my bathing suit from the drawer, the one-piece he’d given me that first night. I like the way it fits, so I didn’t bother bringing my own.
“Yeah, it makes me happy to see her doing so well, considering…”
I’m about to ask what he means, but then understanding dawns. It couldn’t have been easy for either of them growing up without a mother. It breaks my heart to think she just left one day without so much as a backward glance. At least that’s what Cason had told me. A sound of disgust catches in my throat.
“Cole,” I say and put my hand on his back as he pulls on his swim shorts. “I’m so sorry about your mom.”
He turns to me, his brow furrowed. “You never had it easy either, Nina.”
“Yeah, but I had a mom. I know she cared, she just didn’t know how to show it.”
He cups my chin, and places the softest, sweetest kiss on my mouth. “As much as I want you in my bed—and believe me, I’ll have you there before the night is over—let’s get outside. I want to spend as much time with my sister as I can.” His nostrils flare, and his big fingers flex. “I also need to get to know this Jack better.”
I laugh. “I’m pretty sure your sister is a good judge of character and can take care of herself.” I undress quickly, and Cole lets loose a tortured moan as I shed my clothes and pull on my suit.
“Yeah, well you’re not a big brother, so you don’t get it.”
That makes me think of Cason. I guess he was protective, but I’d never seen him go into barbaric mode like Cole.
“Aren’t you the same age?”
“I was born one minute before her, so that makes me her big brother.”
“Whatever you say.” I adjust my straps and tie my hair up. “I’m ready.”
“Me too,” Cole says and glances down. I follow his gaze to find his swim shorts tented. I giggle. “Again with the laughing at inappropriate times. I’m hard, Nina,” he growls, his voice dark and tortured as he rakes his fingers through his hair. “How the hell can I join my sister and her boyfriend in the pool like this?”
“You can’t. And since this,” I pause and put my hand over his cock, “is because of me,” I drop to my knees in front of him, “the least I could do is help you with it.” I grin up at him. “From the looks of things, it won’t take long.” I tug on his shorts to free his cock, and take him into my mouth.