Page 58 of The Playmaker

With heat flushing my skin, despite the air conditioning on blast, we climb from the sofa and head toward the stairs—but a loud noise at his front door startles us, and we both turn.

My heart jumps into my throat when I see a pretty blonde, obviously dyed, burst into Cole’s place like she owns it. A wide smile splits her lips when her gaze latches onto Cole, and I slink backward, shrink into myself at the unexpected invasion.

“Surprise!” she says, and throws her arms up in the air as she rushes to him.

“What are you doing here?” Cole asks. He picks the girl up, even though he shouldn’t be exerting himself, and spins her as he gives her a big hug. Honest to God, I’ve never seen him light up like this before.

A knot forms in my stomach, a new kind of tightness crawls into my dry throat. Who the hell is this girl, and why are they so happy to see each other? He said he didn’t have a girlfriend, but from the way they’re hugging, looking one another over, I’m beginning to question everything.

Uncomfortable with their open display of affection, I glance around, look for the quickest exit.

“I thought I’d surprise you,” the girl says, and rustles Cole’s dark hair. She’s tall, like him, totally dwarfs me, and I take another step backward.

“You surprised the shit out of me.” Cole tugs her ponytail and drops a kiss onto her forehead. “You’re the last person I expected to see come barreling through my door. How did you—”

She holds her key up, and then drops it into her purse. “You gave me a key, remember?”

Oh, God, he gave her a key. I really need to get out of here.

She frowns, sadness in her brown eyes. “I would have come sooner…damn work. I had a big case going before the courts. But I got here as fast as I could. I figured you’d be getting cabin fever by now and could use the company. Plus, I wanted to be here to take care of you.”

“I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I hear a congrats is in order. Listened to the game in the car on the way over here. Cason did awesome.”

“Thanks. The whole team did.”

Cole blinks, like he suddenly remembers I’m there, and he turns to see me backing up toward the stairs. “Nina,” he says. “This is—”

Before he can introduce the girl, a guy comes in carrying a big suitcase. The pretty blonde turns and grabs his hands. “I hope you don’t mind, Cole, but I brought Jack with me.”

As Jack stands there, gazing at Cole like he’s larger than life—clearly he’s a fan—Cole goes oddly quiet for a moment, shoulders squared, body tense.

I take him in, my mind racing a million miles an hour. I’ve seen that look on him before. Once at the grocery store, after the crowd dispersed, and again when I asked him why he didn’t hire someone to cook and clean for him. I mull it over as the muscles in his jaw ripple—and that’s when it hits me.

Maybe it’s not so much about being famous, and more about having a hard time with people in his space.

“Cut it out, Jack.” The girl whacks Jack in the gut, hard. “Yeah, he’s big-shot hockey player, but here, in this house, he’s just my brother, so quit gawking.”

Of course! This is Cole’s twin sister.

I should have realized it the second she came barreling in. Why didn’t I? Oh, because Cole’s a player and has probably given out many keys.

Then again, in all the time I’ve been here, not one girl has stopped by.

Cole relaxes and holds his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Jack.”

“Same,” Jack says. He takes Cole’s hand, and as they stand next to one another, I can’t help but compare. Jack is tall, good-looking and well built, but he’s no Cole. He looks a bit uncomfortable when he says, “I hope you don’t mind us just showing up like this.”

“I’ll take Tabby anytime I can get her.” He frowns at his sister and breaks the handshake, his fingers curling at his sides. “I just didn’t know she had a boyfriend,” he adds through clenched teeth.

His sister waves a dismissive hand. “Jesus, Cole, don’t go getting all barbaric big brother on me. I’m all grown up now.” Tabby exchanges a look with me. “Am I right or am I right? You, of all people, know what I’m talking about.”

I do?

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Cole captures my hand, drags me to his side. “Tabby, do you remember Nina?”

Tabby arches one brow. “Of course. How could I ever forget Nina Callaghan?”