"Well, honey, he's got to be here somewhere." Lilly protested, and went to the door to look out. She opened it and called his name loudly.


"You say he was cleaning a stall out?"

"Yes ma'am. He was working. The rake's there, but he isn't." Juan looked alarmed.

Lilly felt something crawl up her back. Charlie wasn't the kind of kid to just run off. Especially since the Dubs boys kidnapped him. He was sensible.

She went out and searched for herself, and she couldn't find him. She began to panic. She looked at Juan who followed her every step. "Go get Cord."

He nodded and taking Charlie's horse, he rode out to the pasture.

Cord saw him coming and looked up. Pedro and Don Diego saw him too and they all gathered together to find out what was going on.

"It's Charlie, he's gone!" Juan said, again out of breath.

"Gone, gone where?" Cord asked, watching the turmoil in Juan's expressive face.

"I don't know; we were working in the barn together. I went to get some water and when I came back the rake was there, but Charlie was gone. Me and Lilly looked all over so she sent me out here to tell you." Juan said his face screwed up in a frown. "He can't just disappear."

"No, he can't. Thanks Juan."

Pedro and Don Diego glanced at him, "The Dubs? You think?"

"Possibly, yes. But I can't see them trying this again."

Cord studied on it a minute. Something clicked in his mind, but he tossed it aside as being paranoid.

"Let's go talk to Jason." Cord folded his lips together and took on a grim persona. Pedro nodded.

Pedro sent Juan back to the house. "Stay with Miss Lilly."

Juan nodded.

The three of them rode to Jason's place. Jason was fixing to ride off himself when he saw Cord coming.

"Well, what's going on Cord, the trial isn't for another couple of weeks."

"Where's Charlie, Jason?" Cord asked, his face a wad of frowns.

Jason laughed, "How should I know."

Cord dismounted and jerked Jason off his horse. "I'm not playing games with you Jason, where is Charlie?"

"I repeat; how should I know?" Jason squared his jaw.

Dan heard the ruckus and came out on the porch. He glanced at Jason, who was being held by the collar by Cord.

"What's going on here," He asked trying to sound as mean as his brother.

"Where's Charlie, Dan?" Cord shot him a off handed glance.

Dan seemed to study the situation.

Cord drew his gun and put it to Jason's head, "Where is he?"

"Sam came and got him." Dan blurted.