"So where did you go?" Dan asked wishing he had the nerve to stand up to his brother and knowing he didn't.

"To see Sam Donaldson." Jason replied.

"Sam? What for?"

"Thought he might be interested in the fact that Lilly is getting married and that Charlie is supposedly Cord's son."

Dan stared at him. "Well ain't he?"

"I don't know." Jason stammered for a moment. By the way Sam was acting, he had to think Cord was telling the truth about the kid. "Sam wasn't a bit upset about it. Of course he done got himself the job as President of the bank and he's a big shot in Terrell now. And he's got a kid of his own on the way. Even if Charlie is his, I don't think he cares."

Dan screwed up his nose, "Well what did you think, that he was gonna come kill Cord for us?" Dan laughed.

He turned and looked at his dumb brother. "I wanted to find out if he held a grudge with Cord or not."

"Did he?"

"Obviously not. So I'll have to figure something else out. And I got about three weeks to do so."

"Well even if you kill Cord, somehow, the Sheriff is still gonna take you to trial."

"Not if he's not alive he won't." Jason chuckled to himself.

Dan's mouth fell open. He knew Jason was mean and dirty, but he didn't know how mean. This wasn't a good thing. First it was Charlie, now Sam. Why didn't Jason just shoot himself, if he was so smart?

Jason backhanded him again this time brining blood to his mouth.

Dan went in the house and Jason heard glass shattering from Dan's temper tantrum.

Jason knew he had to figure another angle now. Sam wasn't interested. And Dan would be no help.


Lilly came riding up in a storm of dust. Cord went out to greet her, "Morning darlin'." Cord smiled.

She blushed from the warm greeting. At one time she would hesitate coming up to Cord so easily, but not anymore. She was going to marry the man and it was time to show him just how much she cared, especially since he went after the Dubs for Charlie.

"You're kicking up the dust this morning, something going on?" Cord asked with a grin as she walked right u

p to him, and kissed him quite liberally on the jaw.

"Hmm…I like that lady." He grinned again. His eyes fell on her lips, "But honey, you missed, that kiss goes here." He pointed to his lips.

She tiptoed and planted a sultry kiss to his lips.

"Now's that the kind of greeting I enjoy, especially from a certain little red head." He grinned.

She took a deep breath and looked at him.

"I got a buyer for the saloon," She announced.

"Well now, that is news. Come on in, tell me all about it."

He opened the door for her but as soon as they were in the house, he pulled her into his arms and planted a more than sultry kiss to her lips. It had been a few days since he tasted her and he wasn't letting up until he had his fill. She moaned softly and he lifted his head long enough to smile into her shining eyes.

"Mmm…that's a nice way to say good morning." She purred.

"Get used to it honey. I aim to do it regularly," He smiled and pushed back his hat.