"We'll let the Judge decide all this at the trial. But in all fairness," The Sheriff looked at Cord. "I've got to let Jason go too now."

"Let him go?" Cord frowned at the Sheriff. "Why?"

"Because Charlie was alright, unharmed. And you weren't killed as he planned. According to what was just said, Charlie went willingly with Dan, so the kidnapping charge might be dropped altogether. But don't fret, there will be a trial for the kidnapping and intent to kill, especially the intent to kill. And Jason if you run before the trail, I'll come after you myself. Understood?"

Jason nodded and smiled at Cord.

Dan came up to the cell. "You mean he can go home with me?"

"For now, yes. But don't leave Jason."

"Understood Sheriff." Jason smiled and waited until the Sheriff let him loose to give Cord a cagey smile and walked out with Dan.

Cord walked outside and stared at Jason. "Next time you better get a better plan. Or better yet, just face me with your gun and be done with it. There's no use in involving innocent people in this, Jason. Even you should know that."

"I'll look forward to a next time Cord. You killed Butch, and I'm not forgetting that." Jason eyed him.

"I didn't think you would. But as I recall bullets were flying from all directions. And it was a planned ambush, Jason. We both know that too. But you aren't a good enough gun to face me in a gunfight, so I figure you'll plan something else." Cord started to walk off. "Something stupid, I'd imagine."

"You can bet on that. Only next time I'll figure it all out better, you can count on that."

"He did speak some pretty words over Butch's grave, Jason." Dan offered.

"You buried him?" He glanced at Cord who was walking off.

"Yeah." Dan answered.


"On the place," Dan assured him.

Jason nodded. "Missed my own brother's funeral."

Dan and Jason walked off together, as Jason put his hat on and glanced over his shoulder at Cord.

"What are we gonna do, Jason?" Dan asked as they headed for their horses.

"I got a plan." Jason muttered under his breath.

Dan took his hat off and dusted it on his leg, "Not another one!"

"Shut up." Jason barked.


When Cord got back to the ranch, Lilly was sitting out on the porch shelling peas. Cord eyed her for a moment before he ever got off his horse. Just knowing that she and Charlie were alright made Cord relax, but seeing her like this reinforced how much he was looking forward to marrying her. Two weeks, he didn't know if he could stand it that long. She looked so good to him now he wanted to swoop her in his arms and take her straight to his bed.

She looked up and a slow smile spread over her face.

"Everything all right?" He asked as he joined her, leaning against the railing and staring at her as though he couldn’t take his eyes from her.

"Everything is fine," She said softly, her eyes going to his.

"How's Charlie?" He asked.

"He's hobbling around on a crutch that Juan made him."

"He didn't rest long." Cord smiled. "I thought that long walk he had might have slowed him down a little." Cord studied her.