Lilly looked at him for a moment. Her mind was on the wedding coming up, not on her son's fishing trip. "I guess so, if you finish up your chores, be back before sundown though."

"I will, I promise…" Charlie nodded. "Well, I better get busy if I'm gonna finish."

Lilly glanced at him again, wondering what his rush was.

She went back to work and didn't think anything about it.

Doc came in a little after one.

"Doc, good to see you. What can I get you?" Lilly smiled as she came up to his table. Doc was always wearing a suit and looked immaculate. Lilly couldn't say the same for most of the people that came in here.

"A beer might cool me off." Doc smiled at her.

"One beer, coming up." Lilly went to get it herself and sat down with doc for a moment when she came back.

"So, how are things?" Lilly smiled at him as she glanced at the few remaining customers.

"Good, Lilly. And you?"


"Getting anxious about the wedding?" Doc smiled at her.

"A little…" Lilly mopped her brow. "I've never been married, it'll be a new experience, but Cord wants me home and so does Charlie so I'm gonna sell this place and become a pioneer woman, I guess."

"I saw you put the place up for sale, in the paper." Doc glanced around the saloon, only a couple of stragglers were up at the bar. "Had any takers?"

"No, but I put an ad in the paper in Pecos and Dallas maybe I'll get some attention there."

"When did you go to Pecos?"

She grinned, "I went there to find a dress to be married in."

"Oh, shopping, huh?"

"Well doc, I haven't bought a dress in a while and I wanted something kind of special."

"Good for you, Lilly." Doc smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'm going to be a mother and wife, Doc. I've never been a wife. Sounds kind of nice, you know. Charlie is so excited about it. He's never had me full time before. And he's certainly never had a father around."

"It's really a good thing that Cord likes kids and wants Charlie, too."

"He even wants more…" She jabbed him in the ribs.

Doc laughed, "Well, that's good, isn't it?"

Lilly blushed, "I always did want Charlie to have a brother or sister or two."

"Well, to tell the truth, I'm proud for you Lilly. Real proud. You deserve it if anyone does." Doc smiled. "Cord's a good man."

"Charlie's sure looking forward to me being home all the time." Lilly chuckled. "And so am I."

"Well, this will be kind of a new experience for you Lilly. But a good one I think." He leaned back and took a swig of his beer. "I hear Cord's really fixing the place up for you."

"Yes, he's working hard…" Lilly smiled.

"Where is Charlie anyway?" Doc glanced around and didn't see him.