"I sent him into town for some supplies. We're going to build him and his family a house. As much as he did for my mother, he's earned it, in my opinion." Cord smiled. "Over in the south pasture. There's already a worn path between here and there and it won't be that far away."

"That's wonderful." Lilly relaxed once more. "He was very good to your mother, Cord."

"You know, I’m sorry I didn't come home sooner. I should have been here working this place for Ma." He stared out over the land. "She might have lived a little longer. But I’m here now and I want to make this a nice place to live, and maybe someday…raise more kids. I'd sure like that…" His words drawled slower as he gave her another look. His glance fell on her full force and she was speechless for a moment.

His looked practically devoured her, and she almost melted right there on the porch.

He leaned toward her again, this time his hand reaching to stoke her cheek. She closed her eyes, sucked in breath and whispered his name.

He smiled, "You know, kissing you could get to be a real habit, Lilly. The kind of habit you never want to break. I can't be around you without wanting to."

"You really shouldn't do that so much." She insisted.

"No, I didn't know. But you gotta admit you like it."

"Who said?"

"Me!" He smiled. "You wouldn't have kissed me back if you didn't."

"I did not!"

"Liar…" he whispered.

When she flushed, he smiled again.

"I'm glad you're home, Cord."

The look in his eyes spoke volumes. "Me too, honey, me too!" he whispered and barely touched his lips to hers as Pedro rode up with the wagon.

"Miss Lilly, good to see you." Pedro hollered.

"Hi Pedro!" She called to him composing herself once more. "Glad you and your family are staying on."

"I think now it will be our home too…" Pedro smiled.

"Have any trouble getting the supplies?" Cord asked.

"No…" Pedro looked strangely at him. "Was I suppose to?"

"No, just wondered." Cord smiled at him.

"I better get back…" Lilly said and headed for her horse. Cord held her hand, and helped her up then sent her a dazzling smile before she rode off.

"Don't be a stranger, honey."

She shot him a grin and trotted away.

He stared after her a long time.

Pedro came up behind him. "She is one fine woman, is she not?"

"She is…" Cord smiled. "She and Charlie are the reason I'm still here, Pedro."

Pedro smiled brightly, "I kinda figured that out…A woman for a man, is a good thing."

Chapter Nine

The house for Pedro went up fast when he gathered some of his relatives to help. Cord worked right along with them to get it finished. They built it about a mile from his place, so it would be easy access and yet private for both of them.