The man sat down. "Sure…"

Lilly turned to Cord. "What are you doing in town?" She asked, her gaze taking him in with one swoop of her long lashes.

"Came to see my girl, and get my son. I got a fishing trip in mind. Is he here?" Cord asked looking about the saloon.

It was a beautiful saloon, with a long oak bar that stretched along one whole wall. Spittoons lined up and a couple of home-made stools. Along with tables and chairs and a small stage for musicians when Lilly could find some.

"Fishing. Don't you have work to do?" Lilly asked surprised to see him this early in the morning.

"Nope, not yet, I don't. Now, where's Charlie?"

"He's in the back room, studying his numbers." Lilly told him.

"Mind if I

take him to the creek, down by the mill?" Cord asked.

Seeing that some of her customers were paying attention to their conversation she smiled, "Not at all, if he wants to go."

"Fair enough. See you in a minute." He said and leaned to kiss her on the cheek.

Everyone knew by his actions he was marking his territory. But not a soul spoke up.

One of her oldest customers called to her. "You and Cord got something going, Lilly."

"Haven't you heard? We're engaged." She showed him the ring.

The man took her hand and looked at the ring. "Land sakes…that's some ring. It's a garnet isn't it?"

"That's right." Lilly smiled.

"He like Charlie?" the old man asked.

"Don't tell anyone, Jasper, but he's Charlie's dad."

"You don't mean it. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Yes, sir, I’m glad. I told everyone that kid wasn't Sam's." the old man laughed. "Bring me a double, I want to celebrate, this is an occasion."

"Coming right up."


Cord didn't know what the kid thought about all of it, but today he'd find out as much as he could. After all, he wanted the kid to like him. He wanted a family, and he hoped the kid did too.

"Well now, pardner, thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to go fishing."

"Ya mean it!" Charlie asked his eyes widening.

"Sure do." Cord smiled knowing he'd picked a good thing to do with the boy.

"You have to ask my mom, though." Charlie told him.

"Already took care of that. She said if you wanted to, we could go since it's Saturday."

"I got a pole," Charlie told him.

"Well, I guess I'll have to make me one." Cord told him.

"You can borrow mom's, she won't mind." Charlie offered.