"She sure did. She was a toe-tapper in her day."

"I'm surprised you still play the guitar." Lilly said as she nibbled at her plate.

"That's kind of funny I guess." He glanced at them and smiled. "All during the war it was that silly guitar that comforted me. I'd get to feeling lonely, or missing Ma and I'd play. And when we had a really big amount of casualties, the music was the only thing that settled me out. I think it helped a few around me too." Cord remembered.

"You were awfully young to go to war, Cord."

"Maybe, but I wasn't the only one. There were a lot of kids in that war, and most of them were killed. I was just lucky."

"Did you see General Lee himself?" Charlie asked.

Cord smiled at him, "Once, at a distance. He was a sight to behold with that white hair, white beard, and white horse he rode. He was a fine figure of a man."

"What did you do after the war?" Lilly asked softly.

"Drifted mostly. Town to town. I guess I was kind of lost for a while. A war like that can tangle a man up inside."

But Cord's attention was drawn to the gravesite again when Pedro, his wife and three children paid their respects to his mother.

Cord stood up and walked over to them.

"Pedro Martinez?" Cord called from a short distance.

"Senior Cord!" Pedro smiled and walked to greet him with a big smile. "It is good to see you. You've grown into a man, that is good."

"And you my friend." Cord nodded to his wife and family. "There is plenty of food inside, you go on in and help yourself." Cord directed.

"No Senior it would not be right. We came only to pay our respects and see you, maybe…" Pedro insisted.

"Nonsense, you'll eat too and talk to me. I'd like to know how things are here." Cord told him.

"Very well…." Pedro followed him to the house.

When the people saw Pedro and his family they moved back from the table and became silent. Cord saw the displeasure in their faces and Cord's anger festered at their treatment. "Mexicans, Negroes, and people from different countries fought in the war, and died there. And you people have the gall to stand around staring. This is my home, and everyone is welcome here. Everyone! This is my house now and Pedro and his family are welcome any time. Now help yourself my friend."

"Si," Pedro and his family hurriedly dished up their food and went outside.

The Doc hadn't said much, but kept dishing his food up while Pedro's family did.

Cord stared at the crowd. "What's wrong with you people? Pedro was my mother's closest friend; he is welcome here."

"He's a Mexican! Just hired help." Mr. Southerland said.

"He's a friend, my friend. And you'll keep your mouths shut or you will all leave." Cord instructed. "No one has more right being here, than Pedro, and you all know it. It was him that helped my mother all those years and you'll treat him with respect."

Cord didn't realize that his eyes glazed over in anger.

Mr. Southerland put his plate down and walked out.

The others seemed to relax.

Cord walked outside where Lilly was talking to Pedro and his wife. Charlie had run off to play with Pedro's children. He smiled.

"Tell me Pedro, did Ma suffer much?" Cord asked as he joined them.

"No…not much."

"Were you there when she…"