"They take in a lot, got their own bank right there in the saloon, with guards and all." Dan was saying.

"So what do you aim to do about it all, Sam?" Jason asked knowing Sam was boiling now. "The kid I mean."

"Just what I said, I'm taking my kid out of here." Sam said.

"But what about Lilly and Cord?" Jason seemed frustrated that he had only one thing on his mind.

"They can go to hell for all I care. I just want my kid." Sam said and stood up.

"Well now wait a minute Sam. Let's think this thing through. How you gonna get him?"

"I figure I'll just take him when he's alone. I'll stake it out, and watch and when he's alone, I'll take him."

"That's all your gonna do, take the kid?"

"That's all I want, Jason. I told you, Cord is your problem, not mine."

"Look, you are tired. Why don't you stay the night and think on it Sam. By morning things will look clearer to you. Maybe we can put our heads together about all of this." Jason tried to persuade him.

Sam turned to stare at Jason. "You want Cord and Lilly dead. Then you figure that out. I just want my kid. I lost one, I won't lose the other. I'm still very respected in Terrell, still the President of the bank. I got a life back there, but I won't live it alone. The kid is mine, and I'm taking him back with me."

"How you gonna do that, Sam? You can't just walk up and take the kid. Cord will fight you for him. And he's good with a gun, Sam. Really good." Jason emphasized the fact.

He stared at Jason for a moment. "I guess if I have to, I'll kill him. Not that I want to. But it's my kid. Anyone gets in the way…I'll kill them too."

Jason saw the possibilities of getting rid of Lilly and Cord, but could Sam kill Cord? He'd seen Cord in action and he knew how fast he was. That's the main reason he hadn't tried it himself.

"Why don't you sit down, and let's talk about this a while. I don't think you're ready to take on Cord McCall." Jason blurted.

Sam turned to Jason, his eyes bright with hate, "I'll take him, or I'll die. At this point I just don't care."

"I want to

see you get your kid, Sam, but not like this."

"What do you care, one way or another. I know what you want, Jason. I'm not doing the dirty work for you. I'm not calling Cord out. I'll wait until I see the kid alone, and I'll take him."

"He'll come after you." Jason warned him.

"Let him try." Sam lifted his chin. "I'll have the law on him."

"Can you prove the kid is yours?" Dan stared at Sam for an answer.

"Prove it? What's to prove?"

"It's your word against Cord's." Dan replied.

"So, I get the kid to Terrell, who do you think the law will believe there?"

Dan had been sitting quietly in a chair at the table with them, but even he saw the futility of trying to take Cord. Sam wasn't thinking straight; anyone could see that. Sam was filled with grief he didn't know how to accomplish what he wanted.

Dan stood up now and faced Sam, "Look Sam, Jason is right about this. You ain't thinkin' straight. Why don't you stay the night and we'll talk on it some more in the morning?"

Sam frowned. "You're a sensible kid, aren't you Dan?"

"I try to be." He nodded.

"All right, I am tired tonight. I'll stay and I'll think about how I'm going to do this. But I'm not killing Cord, or even Lilly. I just want the kid."