Sam nodded, his mood was not congenial but Jason allowed for that. Seeing his somber face, Jason knew something had happened to his little paradise in Terrell. And Sam was packing a gun now. Something had changed.

"Change your mind Sam?" Jason asked as he pulled out a bottle of his finest whiskey and offered Sam a drink."

Sam nodded, "Yeah, I guess I did."

"I sort of figured you'd be home with a new baby by now." Jason chuckled drily as he poured all three of them a drink and set them on the table.

Sam's face screwed up in a terrible frown. "The baby died, and so did she."

"What?" Jason was shocked by the news. One minute everything had been going well for the man and now his whole world was turned upside down. But Jason knew that was probably good news for him.

"The doc was out of town, she went into labor early, the baby was turned wrong. The baby was born dead, and she died not long after." Sam said so shockingly hard that Dan and Jason both stared for a full minute.

"I'm sorry Sam." Jason said contritely.

"Yeah, well, so am I."

"You seem to be taking it well." Jason lied.

"That's a joke. I almost killed myself Jason. I would have too, but I remembered your visit. I got another kid don't I?" Sam slammed his glass on the table hard, almost shattering it.

"You talking about Lilly's kid?" Dan blurted.

"You damned right I am. He's my kid." Sam shouted.

"But I thought…."

"Shut up, Dan." Jason barked at his brother. If Sam thought it was his, it probably was.

"So you reconsidered, did you?" Jason asked, trying not to sound like the cat that stole the milk.

"I reconsidered." He nodded.

"Good. That's really good Sam." Jason nodded.

"Now where can I find Lilly and the kid. I went by the saloon and didn't see them." Sam said, his finger rubbed the top of his glass hard.

"Lilly married Cord, Sam. They're out at his place." Jason told him.

"Married him?" Sam shouted.

"Yeah, not long after I talked with you." Jason explained.

"She was always sweet on Cord. Well, she can have him. All I want is the kid." Sam told him.

"Well now Sam, Cord's pretty attached to that kid. In fact, he's told everyone in town it's his kid."

"In a pig's eye it is. He wasn't around when she got that way." Sam told him.

"He said he came back, to be with her, and left, and never knew she was pregnant." Jason explained waiting to hear Sam's side of it.

"That kids' mine. I gave her the saloon to help her support the kid. She didn't deny it then. You mean she's going along with Cord's story." Sam's brows drew together and he stared at Jason now.

"She is. She sold the saloon to someone from Dallas and he's running it now. The townspeople don't like it, because of the gambling."

"They never wanted gambling here." Sam huffed.

Sam got quiet. "But good or bad, that's where the real money is. Looks like it's doing pretty fair too."