"I think he's happy Cord." Lilly laughed.
"God, so am I? I never dreamed things would happen this fast, but, I'm so glad they are." He pulled her into his arms again and kissed her so tenderly she swooned.
"I love you Cord," she whispered.
"Lady, I'm the happiest man in the world tonight." He said and they went inside.
Chapter Twenty-Six
On a quiet day, just a bit before Halloween, Sam rode into town. The wind was blowing a norther in and the air had changed from hot to cold in a matter of hours.
Sam's face looked grim and foreboding. The sound of his horse clopping through town disturbed no one, because noise from the saloon drown it out.
He heard the banging on the piano from the saloon and he hobbled his horse and went inside since the railing was full. He wondered if Lilly had sold it yet. And if she had, who bought it.
One man came barreling out of the saloon and landed face down in the dirt, Sam watched with the same grim face.
He went inside. His gaze fell on the roulette table first, then several others. The saloon was packed full of people, smoke, and whiskey. Gambling was the main entertainment although a few girls decorated the winners at the tables.
Sam glanced about for Lilly but didn't see her.
In fact, he didn't see but a few familiar faces and none were sober.
This certainly wasn't what he expected, but he saw huge stacks of cash being transferred to a cage near the back doorway. So the place was making big money these days. That shocked him.
He went up to the bar and ordered a beer.
"Miss Lilly around?"
"Lilly, the owner?" Sam said slowly.
"Joe Sorrels' owns this place now. Don't know no Lilly."
Disgusted with the drunks, he left and rode out of town toward Dubs' place.
Near as he could remember it was northeast of town.
He rode slow, taking in the sights of the town and the quiet of the prairie as he rode.
Doc was walking down the street and he saw him and frowned. Sam nodded his head toward him and rode on. It looked as though no one was particularly glad to see him. That didn't surprise him much either. He hadn't been well liked when he lived here.
As he neared the ranch, he looked the place over for a bit before he rode into the yard. Looks as though the Dubs boys were doing all right. There was a light on too.
He dismounted and hobbled his horse, then went to knock on the door.
Dan opened it.
"Sam?" Dan sounded very surprised to see him.
"Dan, is your brother at home?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, sure, come on in." Dan offered.
Jason came out of the back room and saw him and smiled smugly, but questioningly too.
"Well Sam, good to see you again. I didn't figure you'd ever come back here."