"Aw…" Lilly's eyes lit up. The place is growing already."

"All it needs is you and Charlie." He smiled.

Lilly looked at him with her heart in her eyes, "Thank you for taking Liam on. It means a lot to me that you are that kind of man. But then, that's what I love about you Cord, you think so much of others. You always have."

Cord stared at her, "Why honey, older folks know a hellova a lot about things. I got a feeling he can teach me a lot. And I'm more than happy that he can be happy there. That's what a real home is, happy. And I gotta admit I'm ready for that myself."

"I love you!" She leaned and kissed him this time.

"I thought I'd find you two here," The doc came to their table and sat down without an invite, his sly smile fit his face comfortably.


; "Doc, what brings you in this time of day?" Lilly looked surprised as she slowly pulled away from Cord.

"Just delivered twins to Mrs. Elkins. I need a beer to make me relax." Doc wiped his mouth and tipped his hat back.

"I'll get you one myself." Lilly got up and brought him a cool beer.

"That's mighty tasty," He smiled at her.

"Well, we ought to celebrate," Lilly looked about the place. "I just sold this place."

"Really! Well, that is something to celebrate. I'm proud for you, Lilly."

"Thanks doc."

"Who's gonna be running it?"

"A Joe Sorrels' from Dallas." Lilly told him.

"A stranger, huh. Is he gonna change everything?"

"Oh, he's got big plans for the place, Doc. He's a gambler."

Doc swallowed his beer and shot her a glance, "A gambler. So this place is gonna be real lively from now on, huh?"

"Sounds like it. Can you handle that, Doc?" Lilly smiled at him.

"I don't know. I may have to just come get me a bottle to nip on at home. Gambling brings a lot of hoopla with it."

He stared at the two of them, "But I’m happy for the two of you."

"Thanks doc," Cord chuckled. "We want you to come check out my place too, it's coming along now. I'd like to think you'd stop off when you're in the area and have some coffee and keep us up to date on all the town doings."

"What about old Liam, what's he gonna do?" The doc asked.

"He's working for me," Cord told him.

"Is he now, that's great. I was worried about that, glad to know he's still got a place here."

"So when are you gonna retire, doc?"

The doc grumbled, "There isn't any other doctors in this town. And unless we get one, I'm not sure I can. I guess when I give out."

"Maybe you ought to put an ad in the paper for another doctor to come help you?"

"That'd be good, but what would I pay him? Some of my patience pay in chickens and hogs. I don't make enough money to even think about something like that."