"Did you take Dan to the Sheriff?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's fine now, got a powerful headache, but he'll be fine." Cord told her. "Obviously Charlie's got a good right hook."

He took his hat off and ran a hand through his hair then set it back on his head.

"Shelling peas, huh?" He asked with a sexy grin.

"Maria's cousin brought her some, so she gave me some so here I am." She looked at him. "I like fresh from the garden as well as the next person."

When he stared at her, she burst out.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked with a grin, "Want to help me?"

"Sure, why not." He grabbed her up in his arms and carried her inside, peas and all.

She yelped, but when his head dipped to take her lips she let out a long groan. "I'm so glad you are back." She murmured between hot kisses. "How did it go?"

He sat down in a chair and cuddled her into his arms. "We'll talk about that later, right now I've got other things on my mind."

"Cowboy," she chuckled between kisses, "You steal my breath away."

"Hmm…I want to steal more than that." He ravaged her mouth, with another hot kiss.

"Cord," she laughed, "It's the middle of the day."

"Can't help it," He smiled into her eyes. "I'm thirsty for your kisses."

When he finally raised his head he shot her a sexy grin, "Sweetheart, you make a man forget his troubles."

She stroked his cheek, "I'm anxious for our wedding day too." She coed, a finger stroking his cheek.

"Are you?" He asked and that was all it took to make him kiss her again. Lilly had the sweetest kisses in the world, and he aimed to help himself as often as she'd let him.

But when Charlie and Juan came running in they broke it up, and it was probably a good thing, because Cord was just two steps away from carrying her to the bedroom.

"Aw…for cryin' out loud, they are at it again," Charlie complained as his face turned a bright red when Lilly started to reprimand him.

Cord loosened his hold of Lilly and chuckled. "Someday you'll want a girl of your own Charlie."

Charlie and Juan studied that statement a minute. "Me? Never!"

"Me neither," Juan said.

"Yeah, and it won't be that long from now." His mother smiled.

Charlie looked at Cord, "Did you find Dan?"

"Yeah, we found him."

"Was he…all right?'

"He was fine. Gave him a bit of a headache, but he'll be just fine."

Charlie sighed aloud, "That's good."

"Don Diego even found his horse. We buried Butch and went to talk to the Sheriff."

"Did they lock Jason up?" Charlie asked with big eyes.