assion flared like a flame out of control, as his lips massaged the ache to have her.

"Cord…" she gasped as he moved his lips along her jaw. "I've got customers…"

"You've got a barkeep…he'll manage." he murmured.

"But you can't just come in here…and…"

She seemed to go limp against the wall as he placed his hands there, above her head and stared into her sparkling eyes.

"You're rushing me…I've missed you too…but." She managed as his lips grazed her chin, then went to capture her lips once more. The eagerness of her response told him everything he needed to know.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear." he smiled against her cheek.

"I don't understand…what's happening here…" she murmured, as her eyes slowly opened only to find him staring into her face and smiling, like a kid with his first lollipop. "I can't think when you kiss me like that."

"I don't want you to think, I want you to feel." He smiled and nipped the corner of her mouth with his warm kisses. "Every day I watch Pedro and his wife and the joy they share between them. Every day I see the family they've built and how strong it makes them both. I want that. With you…"

"Cord…" she gasped, "You said you'd give me time…I said I would marry you…I don't understand why…"

"I know." he whispered gently, his voice seducing her. "It's good between us Lilly and you know it."

"Why'd you come here tonight?" she asked breathlessly. "I told you I'd marry you…but I still want the three months you promised."

"Two, and I came to see my girl."

She couldn't stop the smile that spread on her face, nor the shine in her eyes. "Your girl?" She repeated like a prayer.

"Well, you are, aren't you?" He asked confidently.

"I suppose I am…" She blushed and glanced at the noisy people. "But you promised you wouldn’t rush me."

He smothered her with another kiss for that admission. When he came up for air, he stared into her face. "But it's hard to be patient when you know something is so right."

"How do you know it's right Cord?" She asked, her resistance fading with his words.

He smiled now, a smile she'd never seen on his face. It lit his face. "I think about you all the time, Lilly, you and Charlie and us being a family. It's what I want more than anything in the world. And when I want something, I go after it."

"But…how do you know this isn't some…passing fancy?" She whispered, as he continued to assault her senses. Little nips, little kisses, the way his teeth nipped her lower lip until she opened for him. "You've just come home. We…."

Her resistance was fading quickly.

"I've spent my life…going nowhere, having nothing. I'm tired of that. I want a life. I want a family. I want you…" he whispered, as his lips claimed hers in a heated passion.

His words reverberated in the hallway. But his kiss branded her, he was marking his territory.

"We shouldn't be out here in the hallway…people can see…" she barely uttered when he took her fully into his arms.

"Then let's go in there." he encouraged as his head pointed to the room behind them.

"We shouldn't…" she panted. "I need to get back to work."

"Indulge me a little will ya. I came some ways to see you. And why shouldn't we go in there. If you don't want them to see me kiss you. Because that's what I came to do. To kiss you. I've taken a liking to kissing you, and I aim to do it often."

"You rode all this way just to kiss me…" She barely uttered, finding his words filled her heart.

"Yes ma'am…I did." He smiled sexily.

She chuckled, but it was a happy chuckle. "You don't understand…" she looked at him and her eyes went to the door. "It's a bedroom…Cord." She managed between his teasing lips.