Despite the fact that they were away from the house, they could hear that bell. Cord had hung it for Maria as soon as the house was finished. It was a huge bell, meant to be heard from a long way off. Maria had agreed to do the cooking for the hands. Cord had hired nearly half of Pedro's family to help him work the ranch. Things were coming together here and Cord was more than pleased.

"We must eat, Cord…" Pedro motioned.

Cord was about to finish a spot when a shot rang out, hitting the wire and breaking it only inches from Cord's hand. Cord moved quickly, fearing it might ricochet. His gloved hand touched the hot wire.

Pedro dismounted, "Are you alright?"

"Fine…where'd that come from?" Cord glanced about.

"Along that line of trees over there," Pedro stared off in the distance. "You going after them?"

"Nope, that was some kind of warning shot. They are long gone by now…" Cord told him. "Let's go eat."

"But…that bullet could have killed you."

"Maybe, but I got a feeling if that was what they wanted, it would have." Cord glanced about. He saw some horses moving through the tree line. "It was the Dubs boys."

"How do you know?"

"The horses, three of them, moving along the trees there. They have been here before. I guess you better alert the men that they are about. I don't want anyone getting hurt on my account. I'll have to take care of this pretty quickly."

Pedro finally saw them as they hit an open spot and he saw the three of them riding away. He started to take his gun out but Cord shook his head.

"You don't want me to shoot them?" Pedro's question sounded incredulous.

"No, there will be another day for that, my friend."

"Why did they bother?"

"Letting me know it's not over, I guess. I told them I dealt in lead."

"What are you going to do about it?" Pedro asked.

"Nothing, now." Cord firmed his lips. "But we'll have our time. You can bet on that. And I want this settled before I bring Lilly and Charlie out here."

They rode off toward the new house.

"I could smell those enchiladas for a mile, Maria." Cord chuckled as they walked in and washed up.

Maria smiled. She was a beautiful Mexican woman barely five feet tall, with black hair that hung to her waist. "You work hard; you need much food."

"Thanks," Cord sat down and rolled his sleeves down.

"Did I hear shooting?" Maria asked.

"The Dubs, yeah, you heard?"

"Si, why they shoot at you?" Maria asked.

"We've got a score to settle and until we do, I want you and the kids to stay around the house, not wander off. It won't be safe until I settle this. Understand?"

"Si, we will do as you ask." Maria nodded as her kids came to the table and everyone bowed their heads while Maria said a prayer.

"And bless Senor Cord that he does not get shot. Amen."

"Amen." the children echoed.

When Cord lifted his head, he smiled at the three kids staring at him. "Well, your mama made us some real enchilada, they look wonderful."