Lilly was still staring at the ring.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful…And it means much more, coming from her."

"I think she'd approve of the whole idea."

Lilly smiled. "I think she wanted something like this to happen all along. She used to sit and read your letters to me. They made her so happy."

"Let's cut this watermelon and see what we can do with it, and give everyone some." Cord changed the subject.

Lilly helped and they took a big platter outside calling attention to the treat. All the kids came running.

"I love watermelon." Juan, the oldest of Pedro's children said with a smile as he picked out a piece and gave it to his little sister, then picked one up for himself.

"Help yourself." Cord smiled.

Charlie smiled and helped himself. Him and Juan wandered off and sat on the ground under a scrub oak and ate.

"Lilly we can make this a good home. But if you decide it's not for you, I'll understand. I know I've rushed you, today. But I had to know, I wasn't planning on staying. There was nothing here for me. Not alone at least. Just tell me. Still, I'd like you to give it the full three months."

Lilly wiped her mouth and sat on the steps. "I'll give it the three months, Cord. You might even change your own mind about it all. You've only been back a short while, not long enough to know for sure if this is what you want to do."

"You're wrong. I've been thinking of settling down for a long time. Ma was right about having a home. It's time. With a family, and a life to get on with, I think I could grow roots."

"But you could do all that without me." Lilly reminded him.

"No…no, I couldn't. You see, what I'm missing…what I've been wanting all these years is a family. A reason to throw down roots. Something to work for. And you…" His eyes met hers and he smiled. "Are the only woman I've ever cared for…"

"It doesn't bother you that Charlie isn't yours?" She asked, her face scrunched into a frown from the sun.

"Not at all. He's a kid. A good kid. And he's yours. A man like me…can latch onto to a ready made family pretty easy. He'd be a responsibility, and so would you, but it's one I'm ready to take on. I think the three of us would fit together nicely."

"Why me Cord? In all these years hasn't there been a woman for you?"

"There have been women, yes, but not the kind a man wants to settle down with and make a family."

"But I am one of those women…" She frowned.

"No you're not. You never were…"

She sighed.

"And your gun?" Lilly glanced at the black gun on his hip.

Cord looked down at his gun, and then back up at her.

"A man needs a gun to protect and defend. I won't give it up, as I have somewhat of a reputation. It would be suicide to give it up completely. But I'll make you one promise."

She looked straight at him. "What promise?"

"I won't use it except to defend, protect, and kill for food."

"Can you keep that kind of promise?" She whispered.

"I never killed for the fun of it Lilly. I didn't get a reputation on purpose. I used a gun during the war. I used it afterwards to protect others. I was even a lawman for a while. A man gets a reputation because he uses it, not for why he uses it. That's the difference. But to answer your question, yes, I can keep that promise. Now let me ask you a question."

"Of course…what is it?"