This time she didn't hesitate, she wrapped her arms around him and hung on for life. Lost in a world she'd never known, she clung to him. This was so much better than kissing a cousin or her pillow.

His tongue shot out to lick her lips, "Let me in…" He coaxed.

She opened her mouth and he swooped to take her lower lip between his teeth to nibble, then his tongue moved inside her mouth, tasting, teasing and waltzing with her own. She moaned aloud. She found her mind drifting, her legs wobbling, and her heart pounding for more. She hung on to him for life, for breath and hoped it would never end.

As he moved away slowly, he took her all in with his gaze.

"I don't know you yet. But there's something about you. Mama told me to follow my heart…so I will. I accept your proposal."

He picked her up in the air, and stood there staring into her shining eyes. "God help us both." He said pulling her up against him and lifting her above him a bit.

Later they walked down the lane, then stopped near a grove of peach trees.

"You believe in God?" She asked smiling into his face.

"I do. I guess I always have."

"I'm glad…" She said with a slight grin. "Because I do too. Did you go to church with your folks?" She asked after a short silence.

"Well, since we lived on the river mostly, my Pa managed to have church every Sunday for the passengers."

"On a riverboat?" She questioned.

"Yeah…he was a God fearin' man."

She nodded and stared at him. "So…What do I call you?"

"Wade is fine…"

"Wade…" she repeated. The way she said it, was almost like a prayer.

He took her hand and began walking her back to the house. "I like you a lot, Beth…" And he squeezed her hand gently in his.

She liked the fact that he didn't say he loved her yet. It was too soon for that. He was being honest. "I like you too…" She responded and then blushed.

"Then we'll be married soon. Can I come to call on you in the meantime?" He asked as they came to the front porch and sat on the steps.

"If you like."

"Oh indeed…. I like…" He smiled.

Her father came out on the porch, he had a cigar in his mouth, but he removed it for a moment. "You two get things settled between you?"

Wade turned and looked at her father, "I think so, yes."

"Then the wedding is still on?" Her father asked almost anxiously.

"Yes…it is father." Beth answered.

Her father let out a breath and smiled. "Well, that's just great. I'm happy for the two of you."

Wade spoke with her father for a few minutes, then turned to her, kissed her on the nose and told her he'd see her in a day or two.

Beth watched him mount up and ride away. The feelings inside her were new to her. Part of her was happy, part of her was sad. She'd miss all the kids, but she looked at her father strangely now. She saw him in an entirely different light. She found that strange. Perhaps she was really growing up. Knowing her father as she did, she knew he was doing this for the good of all the family. And by the look in his eyes, he was just as sad as she was. Yet, she had to admit, there was a certain amount of anticipation too.

Chapter Four