Page 64 of Nick's Baby

Nick and Kelsey were just saying goodbye to all the relatives that had shown up for the three year olds birthday party. The house looked as if a bomb had gone off, and Dorothy, who had stopped long enough to join in on the festivities, was now cleaning up the mess, humming a tune as she went.

"She's in bed, all ready?" Kelsey squealed as she spotted Jackson.

"Too much excitement I'm afraid." Jackson chuckled. "See you two Monday morning at the office that deal you helped us land with the city for the contracted warehouses is out of this world, Nick; I'm not sure how we managed so long without you around. And thanks so much for inviting me to the party."

Nick grabbed at his elbow, "Hey pal, you're her God parent, that makes you extra special around here. I'm afraid you'll be attending a lot more of these functions in the next few years. Hope you don't mind too much."

Jackson let a smile escape his lips. "Mind? I'd be disappointed if you didn't. Goodnight, now."

"Night Jackson."

Nick pulled Kelsey into his arms, his eyes alight. "I'll just go check on her and be right there."

"Not too many stories, Nick, you're spoiling her."

Nick smiled and glanced at the growing bulge of his wife's stomach a gleam in his eyes holding her to the spot. "Gotta stay in practice for the next one."

Kelsey smiled, kissed him swiftly and darted for the bedroom, with the full knowledge that her husband was having the time of his life.

Nick opened the door to his daughter's room and smiled, she hadn't gone to sleep. She had waited for his story, like he knew she would.

"Well pumpkin, did you enjoy your birthday party?"

"Yes daddy, but I ate too much ice cream."

"I'm sorry. But you've got to stay in shape, because tomorrow we are going to ride the Ferris Wheel, eat hot dogs, and have a big time. That is if Mommy is feeling up to it."

The little girl's eyes widened and she grabbed her daddy by the neck and pulled him down for a big hug. "I can't wait. I hope Mommy feels better tomorrow."

"She wouldn't miss it. You know she's loves the Ferris wheel and she's addicted to hot dogs."

"Isn't the baby coming?"

"Not for a couple more weeks the doctor said."

"It'll be the best day ever."

"Oh Sarah Jackson Leonetti, I love you." Nick cried his heart swelling with pride.

"I love you too, daddy, now," she paused and looked into his smiling face, her blue eyed stare suddenly serious. "Will you tell me a story?"

"Of course, don't I always," he said and glanced about her room for her books. Just as he was about to pull one from the bookshelf, she shook her head at him.

"Not that one daddy. I want you to tell me about the one you know by heart. Grandma Rosa says the best ones are the ones you don't have to read."

Nick glanced at his daughter with a sly smile. "But you've heard that one a dozen times. Aren't you tired of it?"

"I'll never be tired of that one, daddy."


bsp; Nick sighed with exaggeration. "Okay. If that's the one you really want to hear."

"Yes please."

Nick glanced at his daughter, thinking how wondrous it was to be here with her, telling her stories, loving her, watching her grow. What a miracle she was.

"Once upon a time," Nick began as he curled Sarah into his arms, secure at last that he would always be there for her. "There was this beautiful lady named Goody-Two-Shoes…"