Page 29 of Nick's Baby

A sleeping Kelsey searched numbly for the covers as the vent from the air conditioner came on. She squirmed slightly, slithering down further into the bed, and burying herself in the satin covers. She moaned softly.

Nick switched the light on and it was like turning on the light to Kelsey's soul. The room illuminated. A quick glance about revealed pictures on her dresser, a corner nook crammed with childhood mementos, books and jewelry scattered everywhere. The misplaced earring lay on Kelsey's nightstand, the offending shoes in front of her room-length closet.

Kelsey groaned and flopped onto her stomach, regaining Nick's attention. He took in the hip-length silk T-shirt and long, well-shaped legs with shock. His system went into o

verdrive, his body heated. Suddenly, he forgot his anger. Forgot why he stood menacingly over her. He forgot everything.

Gritting his teeth, he forced his gaze from Kelsey's lush body. He leaned over to shake her lightly. "Wake up, Kelsey. I think it's time we had a talk."

The housekeeper peeped inside the room. "Are you all right, Ms. Kelsey? Should I call the police?"

Kelsey squinted from the glare of the light and pulled the covers over her. Her eyes darted first to Nick, then to the housekeeper. "Y-yes, Dorothy, I'm fine. And there's no need for the police. But I think you better put some coffee on."

Dorothy left grudgingly.

The sweet scent of lilacs tickled Nick's nose. Kelsey's scent. His gaze swept the covers clutched under her chin, to the surprisingly brilliant blue eyes, to the luxurious mass of hair floating about her delicate shoulders and face.

Kelsey ran a quick hand through her thick, wayward hair, batting it from her eyes as golden waves tumbled over her shoulders. She faced Nick squarely, looking at least ten years younger without those ugly glasses.

Nick couldn't believe the sight before him. Could this be Kelsey O'Sullivan? How could this gorgeous body and hair belong to the same woman? And yet even when she appeared plain, he hadn't been able to erase her from his thoughts. He couldn't. Even without knowing how beautiful she was, he had been attracted to Miss Goody-Two-Shoes.

He kicked himself for being taken in. What kind of fool had she played him for? He should have seen past the disguise to the real woman. Even his mother had noticed. Was this his Kelsey?

"Nick, I don't want to be rude, but this is my bedroom. If you'll be gracious enough to wait in the other room, I'll be glad to join you."

"Sorry. I don't feel very gracious right now, Kelsey. I feel tricked, fooled, used. I just got a look at that check. I guess I'm a dope for not getting all the facts."

"Oh, that," she acted as though she'd been expecting some other problem.

"Yeah, that! I think we have some talking to do."

Kelsey relaxed her hold of the blanket and it had slipped down against the tips of her breast. Nick's eyes followed. Her nipples hardened against the satin, as though responding to his glance.

His lower body went rigid, and a cold sweat broke over him. In that instant, he knew he wanted her. And from the way her body was responding to his presence, he guessed she wanted him, too. He wanted to forget his temper, forget his morals, and make mad passionate love to Kelsey.

In bed with Kelsey. It seemed ludicrous, and yet fated. He wanted to bring his mouth against hers, and begin making a baby the right way, with love.

Love? Nah, he hadn't known her long enough for that.

"Give me a moment," she wet her lips nervously, a blush spreading over her face.

Nick tried not to look at those moistly parted lips, but still, he grew warmer. Finally, his legs moved away from the edge of the bed. As he walked toward the door, he cast her a quick frown over his shoulder.

"Why the disguise?"

"Disguise? I don't know what you mean." She started to say, and then seemed to think better of it. "I didn't want you getting any wrong impressions Nick. Besides, this is business, and I dress differently for business."


A slightly crooked smile invaded Nick's mouth.

"It only makes a man more curious," he responded his voice hoarse.

"I-I'll keep that in mind."

"Yeah, you do that, and get out here. We need to talk."