Page 17 of Nick's Baby

"That's in this Nick Leonetti's favor."

Kelsey poured herself a cup of coffee, offering Jackson some, which he declined. Jackson Luther Montgomery was above all else, her best friend and right now, she needed a friend. She'd always need Jackson—to just be Jackson. "I'm drinking this for courage. Just being in the same room with Ralph will be upsetting."

"I could handle the negotiations for you."

She could always count on Jackson to try to protect her, like a mother hen would a chick. "No, I've got to face him again. I want to get on with my life now. He's a closed chapter. He can't hurt me anymore."

Just then the intercom buzzed, "Ms. O'Sullivan, Mr. Ralph Butterfield is on line 3."

"Want me to take it?" Jackson offered, his finger dangling over the button.

"No, that's okay. He must be running late."

Kelsey hit line three with a stab of her finger, "Yes Ralph?"

"Yes, I'm running behind schedule. Hold off for another twenty minutes or so? I'm tied up in traffic." The sound of his voice agitated her.

"I'll do my best, but most of them are your stock holders, not mine. Why didn't you just call your secretary to handle it?" She replied not bothering to hide her frustration with the man.

"Because you should be in there right now, hobnobbing with them. You're a woman you should use it. Twenty minutes won't kill any of them. Serve them some coffee or something. I know you're not much on entertaining Kelsey, but I'm sure you can handle a few minutes alone. After all it's for the family business." Ralph's voice held a hint of anger.

"I'm not a waitress Ralph, but I can stall as well as you," Kelsey affirmed.

"This merger is as important to you as it is me, so try not to overload your mouth, or embarrass the company. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Kelsey's teeth gritted and her eyes rolled, but one glance from Jackson and she managed an edge of control. "I'll do my best not to make a scene, Ralph."

Her hands were shaking as she hung up. "If he was this phone, Jackson, I think he'd be a dead man, by now."

Jackson cleared his throat. "He certainly hasn't changed, has he?"

"No, if anything he's worse. It's not my company holding its breath, it's his."

Kelsey's face was red with anger, and she shook from her own fury, but she managed a weak smile at Jackson.

Jackson inspected her, as he always did before she faced the Board of Directors. Flicking a small piece of lent from her coral jacket he met her gaze. He reminded her of a general inspecting his troops. Giving herself a few minutes to recoup she buzzed the intercom, "Paula, check the conference room and see how many have arrived. Serve them some coffee and stall for a few minutes."

"Yes ma'am. Oh, and your mother is on line three."

Great! Her mother just when she needed to stay focused, Kelsey groaned. "I'm in no mood to talk to her this morning."

Jackson nodded, and buzzed the intercom. "Put Mrs. O'Sullivan on the line please, Miss Summers."

"Yes, Mr. Montgomery."

"Mrs. O'Sullivan," Jackson beamed, in his element now. "How good to hear from you today. What can we do for you this beautiful morning?"

Kelsey sat back in her chair to watch Jackson at his best. He was a master at handling her family, especially her mother.

"O-oh, hello Jackson, I wanted to speak with Kelsey," her mother replied, her voice rising with each word.

Jackson shot Kelsey a sly grin. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mrs. O'Sullivan, but Kelsey is in a board meeting and can't be disturbed this m

orning. May I take a message?"

"I just knew you were going to put me off again Jackson. And you're so good at it too. But of course she can be disturbed."

Jackson grimaced at the phone comically and rolled his eyes.