Page 95 of An Unescorted Lady

"No, you didn't."

"Why not?" Trudy frowned.

"He took one look at you, and he knew he had to marry you. It was the most romantic story I ever heard."

Trudy blushed, "Really. Love at first sight?"

"You could say that."

Helen watched her closely. She could tell her a few things, but nothing seemed to register with her, and Helen was a bit worried it never would. They talked back and forth all afternoon, but when Helen left Trudy knew she didn't know much more before asking her all those questions. It seemed everyone treated her with kid gloves, and she didn't quite understand why.

She was healthy, pregnant and had the most handsome husband a woman could want. Still, he hadn't even kissed her, in all this time. Didn't he love her?

Maybe he didn't really love her, maybe he wished she had died!

All sorts of morbid thought ran through her head.

That's when she went exploring through the house. It was noon and her husband was out in the pasture somewhere, most of the boys were with him.

She went into the bedroom next to his. It looked oddly familiar. She looked at all the new furniture Lance had ordered and laid across the bed for a while. Then she opened some drawers to see what might be there.

She found a stack of letter tied with a ribbon, and one that was loose. She took it out and read it slowly.

It was written to her.

Dear Trudy, my Sweetheart,

I've just come from Boston and am headed to the herd. I wanted to stop off and tell you all about the trip, but I figured I really should get to the herd. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.

I don't want to keep you in the dark any longer. Priscilla was not a woman, she was a young girl of about sixteen, fourteen when she started writing to me. Her older sister helped her write the letters. They were bored and their parents were overly strict about boys, so they started writing letters to men who were interested in marriage.

Carol Collins was the young girls' real name. Her sister's name was Daisy. They were shocked when I showed up at their door.

They admitted they wrote the letters, and they were sorry for causing me such a time. I on the other hand was relieved I didn't have to face a crying lady. So, you can rest assured that Pricilla was nothing more than their imaginations running away with them. And I am forever yours my darling.

Please don't forget to wait for me at the gap. I can't wait to see you and hold you again in my arms.

Your loving husband, Lance.

Trudy reread it three times. Tears rolled down her cheeks. But there was so much that was a puzzle and she needed to know everything now. She saw her husband was truly in love with her and she needed to reassure him how she felt. But there were still so many questions.

She put the letter back in the drawer and went to the closet.

She saw dresses in there, and suddenly something flashed in her head. She remember some of them. Then it happened.

She spotted the beautiful blue lace dress, and everything began to fit in her mind. Flashes of the dress in the window, in St. Louis.

"Oh my God, I remember, I saw it in St. Louis. Oh, and I bought it with my last monies too. Why did I buy it? Oh, my God, to impress my new boss!"

She pulled the dress out of the closet and stared at it, her fingers running over the beautiful lace.

Her mouth hung open as she plopped in the rocking chair and stared at it. She took a train ride, yes, she was going to work for a rancher… Lance?

She stood up. "And as I got off the platform of the train, there he was, bigger than life, and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me!" she smiled. "Oh, it was romantic."

She grabbed her chest, and a smile broke over her face. Her mouth flew open again, the church filled with anxious people. And he said, "repeat my words." And she did. And they were married.

She sat back down, stunned. She remembered his kisses, soft warm, inviting kisses that made her body flush.