Page 91 of An Unescorted Lady

Lance almost cried with happiness, and yet his words stunned him.

"You alright, son?" The doc asked.

Lance let one tear fall, "I can't believe it."

"There's only one answer for this kind of thing, son. God took care of her."

Lance nodded slowly, a smile growing on his face. "How long will she be this way, doc?" Lance's face showed concern.

"It's not something we doctors know a lot about out here. During the war between the states there were lots of boys lost their memories due to head injuries, shell shock, but it's not something we can predict."

"Is there anything I can do for her?"

"Just be patient with her. It could all come back suddenly or little by little. The bad news is, it might not come back at all. Give it time and bring her back to see me in a couple of weeks."

"I will. What do I owe you?"

"Nothing, Mr. Weamer brought me extra milk and eggs for the past week, so we can call it even. From the looks of him, he was as shook up about her as we are."

Lance looked at Weamer. "I guess I owe you a lot Mr. Weamer."

"Naw, just give me some beef every now and then, and we'll call it even."

Lance smiled, "Done."

"Now, don't rush her to try to remember. She might recognize you and she might not. Remember patience. And in order for it all to come back right, she has to do the remembering, not you."

Lance nodded.

"I'll see y'all later." Mr. Weamer waved them goodbye.

Lance paused before he went in and looked at Mr. Weamer as he was leaving. "If she comes out of this, she'll want to meet you again."

"Just let me know, I'd appreciate it."

Lance went up to Weamer, "I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did. Taking care of her, getting her here to see the doc, then coming to tell me. I owe you Weamer."

"No need. No need at all."

Lance took one big calming breath and followed the doc.

Trudy lay on a bed. She was staring at the ceiling, when he walked up to her and she looked at him.

She stared, "Gosh, he's handsome doc, who is he?"

The doctor sighed, "Well now, this is Lance Rogers, he's your husband. And your name is Trudy Rogers. But the rest of this story you'll have to figure out for yourself."

"My husband?" Trudy repeated dully.

"Would you like to go home with me?" Lance smiled at her.

She looked at him and then at the doctor, "Should I?" she asked with a smile.

"I think so, Trudy."

"Are you sure he's my husband?" Trudy smiled at the doctor.

"I'm sure." The doctor smiled.