Page 54 of An Unescorted Lady

"That's good."

"Do many strangers come out here?"

"Sometimes, Chico will make sure you are safe at all times though."


"Well, when all us ranchers leave the ranch to take the cattle up the trail, sometimes drifters try to take advantage of a place. That's why I'm leaving three of my best here to protect you."

"What kind of advantage?"

"They steal, and cause damage sometimes, and if a woman is about, well, let's just say it can get nasty."


"Don't worry, Chico will always make sure you are alright. He adores you for one, and you are his main reason for being here. We've already talked about it and in his words, 'I protect her with my life Señor'."

"He's always in such a good mood. I like him."

"Unless there is trouble, then he can become quite a powerhouse let me tell you, he's a little guy, but he packs a great punch. And he's good with his gun. But he's no hot head, which I appreciate too."

"And if something happened to Chico?"

"Get Bill and Mark. Mark might be a hot head, but he's fast with a gun, that's another reason I want him here. I want you protected at all times." He told her. "The men all think the world of you, so you have no worries. They would all protect you, one because you’re the best cook, they ever had, and two, you're my wife."

She sat back and looked at the blue bonnets growing in the field ahead of them. "I can't get over those flowers, it's like a carpet on the ground. I've never seen a wild flower grow like that. And the color is so vibrant."

"God's work." He smiled. "Are you Catholic?" he asked.

"No, my Pa always said if you want to talk to the Lord, go directly to him, don't be prayin' to no Saint as it wouldn't do a bit of good. And no priest is gonna save you." She chuckled. She sobered, "Is the church where we married your church?"

"Yes, we'll go there tomorrow if you like."

"I'd like to. I got a few prayers to say, myself. And don't ask me about them as it's private."

He glanced at her and smiled. "Fair enough."

Suddenly a rattlesnake scared the horses and they took off running. Lance took a hard hold of the reins and tried to slow them down, but it was a good ten minutes before they finally slowed. Trudy had grabbed the bench and hung on, she'd been tossed about, and her face went white as a sheet, but she didn't complain. Lance reached for her immediately.

He whipped around at her, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, "I see what you mean by the snakes. Are there any other wild animals I need to worry about?" She asked a bit breathless.

He reached to touch her hair, his fingers sifted through it gently, stirring her to awareness.

"Just don't be foolin' with any if you can help it. Sometimes we get a rabid coon, then you got troubles. Any animal drooling white spit, just shoot first, don't go near them if you can help it. Coons and possums are always around. Every now and then we get a big cat, or a skunk, but that's rare. Any time the horses are stirring and making noise watch out, something or someone is about."

"Are there any hostile Indians about?"

"No, those days are pretty much over. Most live on reservations. Most of us ranchers try to make friends with them, and they like to trade every now and then. So, try to be fair, if they want to make a trade with you. You don't have to worry about much the boys will keep their eyes open and take care of most problems and you won't even know they were around."

"I appreciate that. But, will you leave me a gun."

"Sure, you want a hand gun or a rifle or shotgun?"

"A shotgun, please."

"Fine, I've got a cabinet full of them and I'll show you where I keep the key to it."