Trudy met her gaze, "We haven't talked much about it, yet."
"It happens when you least expect it. Men that work hard, love hard too." Sally grinned. "But to answer your question, four of my kids are in school, little Jenny she's only three she's home with me. And sometimes I have to hunt my oldest boy down as he sneaks out and goes fishing some days. He's just starting to look at girls. But he doesn't think I know it yet. He's also a lot like his father and doesn't see the need in schooling."
Trudy watched them playing some kind of kick ball and smiled.
"Well, I hope you come visit me, as I'm sure I'll be visiting both of you a lot this summer. Whose house do you use at quilting time?"
"Helen's as she has the ceiling fixtures for it. Makes it so much easier. Marty fixed those for her, and she is as proud as a peacock. Quilting is one thing she learned to do quickly, and she loves it."
"Alright then. I didn’t' see any children when I was there. Does she have any?"
"Oh, my yes, she's got three grown sons. They are usually outside somewhere, working on something, Marty keeps them busy all the time. He don't allow them much running around time, and that's probably a good thing. I'm going to have to take lessons from him on that soon. You know, I was worried about you when you fainted in the church."
"Oh that, well, I was too hot in that dress. The train ride was hot, and then church was kind of stuffy with so many people in it. I was so embarrassed."
"Well don't be. Weddings only happen once for most of us and they can be scary." She looked at her and smiled. "You wouldn't belie
ve how Lance ran around like a chicken with his head cut off at the church. First it was seeing to everything, then your train was late, he was pacing up and down the aisle, while we all cheered him on. Getting the courage to ask you to marry was one thing for him, but at the church he was a wreck. He was so excited that day, no one could calm him down. He was talking up a blue streak, which normally he doesn't do. He was adorable."
"Yes, he didn't let me get a word in edgewise at the station, he just kissed me silly and drug me to the church, all the while chattering."
"I bet you were flustered."
"A bit, yes. And then the church was packed with so many people. And I didn't know a soul."
The kids ran outside now, and the house got quiet. Sally's house was nice on the inside, she kept it clean despite the children.
When Lance came in with Joe, he introduced her to him, and they sat down and ate pie with them.
"So, you're going to Boston before you join us?" Joe asked turning his head to look at Trudy. "Isn't that where your wife is from?"
"It's a long story and I'll tell you all about it on the drive when I get back."
"I'll look forward to that." Joe chuckled. "I guess George will be takin' over for you, huh?"
"Yeah, we've already discussed it." Lance told him.
After a good visit they left.
As he drove the wagon toward home, he shook his head, "Looks like I got a heap of explaining to do about you."
"Give you something to talk about on that long drive." She smiled.
"I was wondering if you've got a picture of you, somewhere?"
"A picture?" She thought that a funny question.
"No, I haven't."
When he frowned, she explained. "Pictures were something that was a luxury Lance. Only the rich had their pictures taken. Although, remind when we get back and I'll show you a drawing a friend of mine made me."
"A drawing, I'd like to see it. Is it of you?"
"Yeah, it was the fourth of July and some of my friends pooled their money and got their pictures made, I was feeling kind of low because I didn't have money to put in the pot, so he told me he'd draw me. And he was ever so good at it too. I told him I'd never part with it."
"I'd like to see it. But I can afford one, so would you take one with me, if we went to town on Monday?"