Page 78 of An Unescorted Lady

"It went well. I've got a lot to tell you, later. How's the trip been so far?"

"Not too much trouble, had a squabble with a rancher near the Red, he didn't want us on his land. But we had to cross to the Chisholm anyway, so it turned out okay."

"Any other trouble?"

"No, ran into a Sheriff hunting some outlaws, he questioned us all, and let us go on our way."

"Good, I think I met him. Not a friendly sort."

"No, we wasn't." George agreed.

"Who's on point?"

"Joe, got the greenhorns on drag."

"How's the weather holding?"

"Ran into a bad storm just after crossing the Red and we nearly had a stampede on our hands, but the lightning finally settled down."

"Well, if you don't mind, I’m gonna see if Cookie's got anything good in that chuck wagon, and I'll be right back."

"Good, you can relieve me when your done, then." George told him.

"Will do." Lance waved him bye and went to find the chuck wagon.

Cookie was an older man, who'd cook for the outfits for some years. He was onry as a wild boar, but he was a good cook.

"Well, you finally decided to join us," Cookie cast him a big frown.

"Yeah, and I'm hungry, got anything I can chow down on?"

"Hop on the back, get you plate of beans and cornbread, in the back in the pot." Cookie told him.

"Thanks, Cookie."

After eating his fill of beans and cornbread, followed with some water, he relieved George.

Lance sighed, it was good to be on the trail, and it looked like things were going pretty smoothly. He ran into Gil and he told him that Rusty was handling the remuda pretty well and he looked as though he'd work out.

Lance smiled, "Good. Any problems?"

"Not so far." Gil chuckled.

"That's good to know." Lance smiled.

"Glad you caught up." Gil chuckled.

"Me too. Say the Red was sure low when I came through."

"Yeah, they've already had a drought. That storm helped some, not enough rain in it though. Mostly lightning. Sure, spooked the herd."

"Who's scouting ahead?"

"Bill was, then Sam took over. Sam's been through here during droughts we thought maybe he could find us some waterin' holes."

"That's a good idea. Sam is good at that."

"How was Boston?" he asked.