"I guess we've all lost some relatives from that war. It should never have happened, and I sincerely hope it never happens again." Lance said quietly.
"I had an older brother who went to fight for the south. He didn't have any slaves and he didn't believe in them, but he fought for the south because it was his homeland." George was telling them. "He said his home was worth fighting for. He lived in Georgia; he lost his home when Sherman marched through there. My uncle never got over them burning it down."
"People were divided by many things in that war, the color of their skin, the regions they came from, their beliefs. When it was over, it took the south a long while to recover the land, and their souls."
Lance played some upbeat songs that had everyone clapping and smiling again as he realized everyone got too quiet.
There was enough chicken for supper, so all Trudy had to cook was some vegetables and bread for supper. All the boys gathered around the table and everyone was in a relaxed mood.
After the dishes were done Trudy went out on the porched again but it looked as though a norther was coming and she stood up and watched the clouds.
Lance came out to join her.
"What are you looking at?" he asked when she was so quiet.
"Those clouds don't look very nice." She told him.
He stared up at the northern sky. "Storm headed our way. Looks like a lot of rain in it too. We better get in the house and check the windows." He told her, pulling her by the arm.
She went to the kitchen and fastened the shudders. Lance went to the spare bedroom and checked them. By the time they finished the storm had approached and the thunder was loud. Trudy jumped.
Lance caught her, "Hey, it's alright, it's just a storm."
"I guess they make me a little nervous."
"As long as there is no tornado behind it, we'll be fine."
"Tornado?" she whipped around to stare into his face.
"This house has weathered a lot of storms, but a tornado is more vicious. I don't want to alarm you, but when the sky turns green, run for cover, get under a bed, in the powder room, but don't go outside, they can tear everything up in just minutes. And they are prevalent here in Texas."
"So, you get a lot of them?" Her wide eyes stared into his.
"More than we want, yes. Had one three years ago, it tore the roof off Haney's barn, and demolished Joe's that year."
"Oh my. But he has a barn?"
"Yeah, we all got together and had a barn raising." Lance smiled.
"We're going to be taking off in about three days, Trudy." He told her as he came closer.
"That soon, huh?"
"Yeah, afraid so. Is there anything you need to ask, or your worried about?" He stared down into her eyes.
"You going to see Priscilla first?"
"Yeah, I'll help the men gather all the cattle and put the herds together, then I'll head out."
"Do you want to do this?"
"Want to? No, but it needs doing." Lance told her.
She licked her lips, "I guess it does."
"Won't you feel better when it's settled?"
"Yes, I suppose," she answered simply.