Page 57 of An Unescorted Lady

"He ought to find a woman of his own. He's not that old."

"Really," Trudy glance at the Reverend again.

"He's in his forties." George told her.

"Where's her mother?" Trudy asked.

"She died a while back, ever since then he's been keeping and eagle eye on his oldest daughter. Honest, she's old enough to make up her own mind who she wants courting her."

"How old is she?"

"Nineteen. But she cooks, manages all the other kids and keeps his house clean, since her Ma died, she's been a maid at home. Her father wants her to marry a rich man, he thinks I'm no account."

"Patience is a virtue Rusty," one of the boys chuckled.

"I’m beginning to think the only way to take her as my wife is to elope."

Trudy shrugged, "You may have to."

Lance frowned. "You sure how you feel about her Rusty?"

"Damn sure. Pardon my language," he glanced at Trudy.

"Then you learn to handle the Remuda during the drive and when we get back, I'll give you some land on the other side of my property and you can start building any time you want. Me and the boys would be pleased to help you."

"You mean that?" Rusty's eyes widened in surprise.

"I sure do. I got plenty of land, but you'll still have to work for me. I imagine we can have a house built before dead of winter."

"It's a deal, boss. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't, son."

When the others drifted off and Lance and Trudy were left alone, he looked at her. "You think they are ready to get married?"


bsp; "Doesn't getting married make more sense than running off to spark in the trees?" She grinned.

"Maybe you are right at that."

"I'm glad you told him that. Now he's got something to really look forward to." She told him.

"He's still pretty young."

"Age has little to do with love." She told him.

"I mean, look at me, I'm sorta old maid material. Before I left St. Louis, I didn't expect to ever marry."

He came closer, leaned and kissed her quite thoroughly and smiled. "You're not old, your just ripe for the pickin'."

She chuckled.

He kissed her again and the Reverend came by and cleared his throat. "Lance, there are children about."

Trudy blushed, but was shocked that the Reverend would reprimand him in front of all the others.

Lance turned slowly to the Reverend, an irritated smiled crossed his face. He seemed to weigh his words before speaking. "Look Reverend, well intended or not, I don't tell you how to preach a sermon, don't tell me how to act around my wife. We're still newlyweds, if your recall, and it's quite common for newlyweds to kiss. Besides, kissing isn't dirty, or sinful, it's very pleasurable Reverend, maybe you should consider getting married again so you can remember that."