Page 73 of Stay With Me

"You can do that?"

"Yes, it is a trick the Indian has done many times to fool the white man."

"Then we better tend to that tomorrow." Clay told her.

"It was our property they were on, Dad. Plus, one of them definitely tried to attack Willa. I was merely defending her and Elan, when he pulled the gun. But if someone wanted to raise hell about it, I could be in some trouble."

"They will not accuse you. I promise." Willa told him.

"Alright. You'll have to show us how."

"Good." She smiled; glad they had solved one problem.

"I don't doubt you son. Just trying to put it all together. Strange that it happened on the same day as the fire, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Would you know the man if you saw him again?"


"Well, we won't worry with it, as you say, the guilty usually end up telling on themselves."

"I figure it that way too." Clay nodded. "If it is Laura behind it, do you think she'll try something again?"

"Maybe when she finds out you and Willa are married. You know her, she'll find out soon enough."

"How about Ed, what if he done it."

"I don't know. I just don't know. It will be interesting to see who wants to buy the place though." Charlie told him. "No matter what happens, Clay, I want you armed at all times, and I'll do the same. I want us to pay attention to this place and if anyone suspicious comes around we'll be able to handle things. Once you two are married and the preacher leaves, the news will spread all over that there were two weddings out here. People will put it together and then the fur will fly."

"I hope you are wrong about all this," Cora cried.

"So, do I, sweetheart, so do I." Charlie grabbed her hand at the table. "But we gotta be prepared just in case."

As they all sat out on the porch that evening, Cora looked at Charlie, "How long ago did Laura's mother die?"

"About fifteen years ago, if I recall, just before the Indians were rounded up and put on the reservations. They lived in that mansion on the south hill. And the Indians came and killed her mother and made a mess of things. She wasn't that old at the time, died right there in her arms. I know something like that is hard to bear, but she's had enough time to get over it."

"That's a long time to hate, isn't it?"

"Yep, it is. Some people let hate consume them."

Willa hung her head, "She wants to see me dead, me and Elan. She told me so."

"When?" Clay demanded his glance narrowing on her now.

Willa sighed and looked at him and Charlie. "Not long after I first came. I was in the garden and she came up to me. She let me know she hated me, and all Indians. She cares for you Clay, and she hates me." Willa sighed sadly.

"She's marrying the that jack dandy new lawyer in town. The say his family has money." Cora told her.

"Perhaps, but she loves Clay." Willa's eyes filled with tears. "Or thinks she does."

"I wish I'd known when she said this." Clay told her.

"I do not know if it was her that burnt the cabin. I only know she hates." Willa told him. "And a woman can't really love with that much hate in her heart."