Page 58 of Stay With Me

"Yes sir, it did. I'm sorry. You ain't seen my friend?" The man asked.

"No, and I better not, now get!" Clay told him.

"I'm going. Sorry." The man apologized. The man threw his hands up and started running off.

Clay watched him until he disappeared.

Then he finished burying the dead man and turned to Willa. Willa was pale and shaking. She still had the blanket wrapped around her and held Elan tight.

He came up to her and hugged her to him.

"Don't worry, he didn't see the grave." He told her.

"But he may wonder and come back."

"I buried him in those trees so it would be hard to spot the grave. I don't think he'll be back. We better get out of here now." He told her.

She set Elan on her hip, and he put her on the horse and got on behind her, wrapping his arms around them both. She leaned back against him, finding security in his arms, she sought his comfort. "I was so afraid when I saw him pull the gun. I am glad you were there."

"It's over, don't worry about it." He whispered, pulling her solidly against him. She leaned into him now, absorbing his strength. Her eyes closed and her mind wandering. Her lips grazed his neck and he kissed the top of her head. "If he'd have touched either of you, I'd have killed him anyway."

"I know," she whispered, grazing his chin with her lips once more. They were practically making love on the horse, he reasoned, but he needed to know she was alright. She needed his support and he was going to be there for her and Elan always.

They rode for a bit then she looked up at him, "I must feed Elan. Can we stop."

"Yeah, I know a place we can go."

He rode a different direction and then stopped after a bit. She looked around seeing nothing about the place that was special, but he opened a small cave moving the dead shrubs around it. "Come on." He told her.

She followed him as he took Elan from her.

She went inside. "What is this place?" She asked.

"It's where I used to come when I got mad at dad. It's kind of like my secret place," he smiled.

"I can't imagine you getting that mad at your father." She smiled warmly at him.

The look he gave her took her all in.

She was still wrapped in the blanket and Elan was crying for his breakfast. She sat down and leaned against the wall of the cave. She opened the blanket enough to allow Elan to find his dinn


Clay stared at them now. "You don't have to hide from me sweetheart, I want to watch, I've never seen anything more beautiful than when you feed Elan."

Her eyes warmed on him; her mouth curved into a shy but sexy smile. She gathered Elan close. "I do not mind you looking upon me. Actually, I like it."

Clay came to sit beside her drawing her into his arms and she nursed him as Clay bent his head to watch and hold her close.

She looked up at him and the look in her eyes smoldered. "I'm sorry we had to stop, but my breasts grew heavy and I knew he was hungry."

"Don't apologize sweetheart, I'm enjoying it."

She kissed his chest, "You enjoy looking at me?" she asked shyly. "And I enjoy being in your arms."

"You're beautiful sweetheart, and I'm sorry but I can't take my eyes from you and Elan."

"I like you looking at me, and at my son." She blushed as she glanced at him. "It warms me that it pleases you. It is something no man has ever found pleasure in."