Page 91 of Stay With Me

After the trial Charlie and Clay talked to Haywood.

"I want you to know that what you did, well, we'd have done the same."

Haywood nodded. "I finally realized when she would stoop to kill a baby that it was too much. She was sick. I figured I owed Clay something, so I took it upon myself to face her. She didn't try to lie about it. She said she hated Indians and she was going to destroy something she knew your wife loved, Elan, your baby. When I realized it was the baby she was after, it made me even madder to think she could hate that much. That anyone could. But before she died, she told me, she's the one that had your house burned down. She thought Willa and the baby might be in there. She was a sick woman. I'm glad I realize that."

"Well Haywood, I feel bad that you have to pay for this." Clay told him.

"Judge said with good behavior I could get out in five. So that ain't so bad. Maybe I won't be drinking any more either."

"Well, tell you what, you be good and get out early and you can come to work with us on the place."

"You mean it?"

"I do." Charlie told him.

"Thanks, I will be good, extra good."

Clay and Charlie shook hands with him and left the jail.

A month later Charlie and Clay had just finished painting the house and came in when Cora announced. "We got a surprise for you."

Suddenly, Willa who had been healing well, got up from the wheelchair the doc had loaned her and walked into her husband's arms.

He picked her up, whirled her around and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"You're going to be alright now?"

"Yes, my darling, I'm going to be just fine."

Elan giggled and reached for his mother.

"Well, I think this calls for a real celebration. I think we should invite the town out here to celebrate with us. We've had so many bring food and offer to help out. What do you think?"

Willa looked round the room and couldn't help but beam them a smile, "I think it would be wonderful."

"Are you up to this?" Clay asked with concern.

"I am! Besides, everyone has been so kind, I want to celebrate with the whole town." Willa said. "To think it only took a bullet for them to like me."

"I think, and this might sound callus, but not having Laura's mouth around, they might have liked you from the beginning." Clay told her and kissed her again.

"I only wish I could have made her understand." Willa cried.

"Nobody makes a jealous woman understand." Cora told her.

Cora went to bring something to Clay.

"I got a letter from Haywood; he says he's learning to read and write and how do we like his letter." Clay chuckled.

Charlie grabbed the letter. "Well I'll be."

That night as they went to bed, Willa took Clay's hand and put it on her belly, "He hears your voice and he kicks like thunder." Willa chuckled.

Clay rubbed her tummy, "I'm so happy."

"Me too!"

"What should we name him?"