Page 89 of Stay With Me

"She's pregnant too?" The doc looked shocked.

"Yes!" Clay shouted.

"If she survives the operation, they'll both be fine, if not, I'll do a c-section and try to save the baby, but how far along is she, do you know?

"About three months." Clay told him.

"Then, I'm afraid…" he didn't have to finish.

Clay turned away and hit the wall with his fist.

"I'll do everything I can Clay."

"You have to let him try to save her." Charlie told him.

Clay hit the wall again, then turned, with tears in his eyes, "Go on doc, do your best."

The doc proceeded to clean the wound and began to work on her.

Meanwhile Cora was still sitting on the bench with the baby clutched in her arms.

Suddenly Haywood came marching through the street with Laura in his arms. Everyone turned to see him, and Cora turned to look.

"Haywood!" Cora called to him.

Haywood stopped and turned to look at Cora. "She went too far, Cora." Haywood yelled. "I knew she loved Clay all this time. She told me so, after her wedding. She swore she'd get even. I didn't know she'd do this. Tell Clay it's taken care of. I killed her."

"Haywood… " Cora called after him, shaking her head. "Dear God!"

Everyone crowded around Cora now, wanting to know what happened. Cora told them as much as she could. Everyone stared at the doc's office.

Charlie came out, a weary look on his face.

"How—is she?"

"If the doc can get it out, she'll mend, if he can't…." his voice drifted off.

Cora's face went white.

Others crowded around them now.

"And the baby?" Cora asked.

"It's too early, if she don't make it, the baby won't either."

Cora gave Elan to Charlie and grabbed her mouth. Tears rolled down her cheek.

One woman came up to her, "You mean that poor little thing was pregnant?"

"Yes, only three months, but yes." Charlie answered.

"My God!"

The Sheriff came up to Charlie and stared for a long moment. "Haywood just killed Laura."

Charlie lifted his gaze to the man. "If he hadn't me or Clay would have."

"How's Clay's wife?" The Sheriff asked.