Page 48 of Stay With Me

Elan gurgled and she gave him one of the toys Charlie made him.

She leaned back in the comfortable chair and looked at Cora. "I need some white woman clothes. I wish you'd go with me and help me pick some out." Willa exclaimed. "Clay offered, but I figure I'd have less trouble with a white woman around than men."

"I can do that. Just let me know when, we'll take my buggy over to Farmersville and pick some out. After all, you are part white too." Cora chuckled. She glanced down at Elan, "He's a very good baby."

"Yes, like my father used to say, I’m lucky. I don't know where Elan gets it, except my father was a happy man." She laughed.

After they finished their snack, Cora showed her around her property and insisted she come back and visit regular. "You know I don't get many visitors and I do ache for some female companionship every now and then."

"What about men?" Willa asked.

"Most men don't like me, they think I act like a man, so they feel threatened."

"I'll bet Charlie doesn't."

Cora blushed, "Charlie's the only man save my husband that never gets offended by me."

Willa chuckled. "I don't know if I should tell you, I might be speaking out of turn, but Charlie has consumption."

"Say it isn't so?" Cora looked worried.

"But he's doing good."

"I got some home remedy for that, got it off an old Indian that traded fixin' up my barn for some cough medicine, it works good, have him try it." Cora went to get it from her cupboard.

"I sure will, thanks, and next time I come, I'll bring Charlie along."

"Good, hadn't seen that rascal in a spell either." Cora smiled.

"You and him, would make a good match."

"He'd probably run if anyone suggested it."

"You never know."

"I like you girl. Come back to see me soon and bring that sweet baby with you."

"Thank you. It was so good to meet you."

Cora waved her goodbye.

Willa realized the sun was getting low now and she needed to get home as the men would worry over her. She really liked Cora. She looked down at the gun and wondered if she could ever use it. She hoped she never had another occasion to.

Chapter Fourteen

A week later Cora came by in her buggy.

Charlie spotted her and ran to greet her, "Cora, nice to see you, it's been a while."

Cora smiled and jumped down into his arms, hugging him. "I've missed you, you ole coot."

He chuckled, "I'm sorry I haven't been over lately."

"I heard you're working at adding on a room." Cora told him and walked arm in arm to the house.

Willa saw her and ran to greet her. "So glad you came."

"Actually, I came to find out if you'd like to go into town with me and get a couple of those dresses you spoke of."