Page 45 of Stay With Me

"Yes, this is Elan."

Elan gurgled.

"He's a cute tyke. I don't mean to be rude but are you an Indian?"

"I am a breed and so is my son. My father came out here to get me from the reservation when my mother died." She explained. "We got as far as Charlie's cabin and my father was killed by Indians."

"Good grief girl, I guess you seen your share of troubles then." Cora asked. "Didn't know the Indians were raiding again?"

"They aren't. They were after Elan."

"Oh my, your son? Why?"

"He's the grandson of the chief."

"My. I see he didn't succeed."

"No, but I'm not sure we've heard the last of them."

"They aren't raiding everyone?" Cora asked with concern.


"Well, I'm sorry for you, but it could stir some troubles."

"I know, and I am concerned. I think Charlie and Clay took pity on me when they offered me a job cooking for them. But I can understand wanting some good food." She smiled again.

Cora sat down and sipped her tea. "Charlie never was much a hand at cooking, probably a good thing you happened along."

Willa looked around her place, it was a nice size house and clean too.

Cora was a short woman around Charlie's age, she had fine tanned skin, and not many wrinkles. Willa could see she was a hard worker. But being alone here and having to keep the place up had to keep her busy.

"Well, I’m tickled you came to visit, and your son. I love babies. Can I pick him up?"

"Of course." Willa nodded.

Elan gurgled again and smiled.

"He's a cute one."

"Charlie is so taken with him." Willa told her.

"I'll bet. He's been after Clay to marry for a while now, but Clay doesn't seem to get the message." Cora laughed.

Willa blushed and Cora noticed.

"Or has he?"

Willa wasn't sure if she should blurt it out, but her excitement won. "Actually, he has. I wasn't going to say anything, but I can't keep it to myself. Clay asked me to marry."

Cora stopped and stared, "Marry?"

"Yes, I guess that kind of shocks you." Willa saw her staring now intently.

"Well, only because Clay has never been interested in a woman before. But I'm glad. Course you know it will bring all kinds of hell down on you. But it might all be worth it. Sounds like you are all gonna be one big happy family."

"I am very happy. Clay's building on a room for us, and when he's done, we'll be married."