Page 44 of Stay With Me

"Well, I could see it in both of your faces." Charlie laughed. "Why did she want to leave?"

"She had strong feelings too, and she was afraid she'd bring trouble on us. I told her we'd face it together."

"It ain't just her. There is always trouble. Ed's been wanting our land ever since we came here to settle. Between him stirring up trouble and Laura with her big mouth, we'd have it anyway, especially when Laura found out you wasn't in love with her, like all the other men in town."

"Did you know Haywood was sweet on Laura?"

"You're kidding. I mean I like Haywood, most times, when he's not drinking, but he's kind of rough around the edges, especially for someone like Laura."

Clay smiled and looked at his dad, "She's not too good for him dad. Haywood is a decent man unless he drinks, and he's drinking more now because of her. No, everyone said he took it hard when she told him flat out, she wasn't interested."

"There's talk that she is marrying the new young lawyer in town, Sawyer is his name." Charlie informed him.

"Well, that takes the cake don't it? They deserve each other is what I think." Clay told him. "Matthew is about as dull as a rock, and she'll soon find that out. But you know as well as I do, it's his family's money she's interested in."

Chapter Thirteen

Willa saw the house sitting off to the side, and she turned down the dirt path. It stood majestically against the rich background of Texas ranch land, with corrals, barns and fenced property, with trees waving in the distance it was like an oasis. One big oak and a large pecan tree spread it's leaves over the front yard with magnificent shade. The house needed some paint, but that would be a job for a man, she supposed.

Someone came out of the house, a woman with a rifle put her hand over her eyes to shade them so she could see who was coming up to her house.

"Well now," Cora stood a bit startled to see Willa sitting there with Elan on her back. "Howdy."

"Howdy," Willa smiled and repeated.

Cora waited.

"Umm, I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Willa, and I live down the road a bit. I work for Charlie and Clay Nelson. The doc told me there was a woman living down the road alone and I had to come see for myself."

The woman's mouth opened but then she smiled. "Ya don't say. Well, get down and come on in. I just brewed some tea; would you like a cup?"

"Sounds good to me," Willa smiled. She couldn't believe the woman was so cordial to her.

"I made some tea-cakes I'd like to share with you." Willa told her.

"Tea cakes huh? Hadn't had any of those in a long spell." Cora chuckled, staring at her as she opened her front door for her.

Cora saw the baby and stared for a long bit.

She eyed Willa over good before she said another word.

"You're working for Charlie?" the woman crooked her head as she watched Willa take the baby from her back.

"Yes, I do the cooking and cleaning and help with the chores." She spread a blanket on the floor and put Elan on it.

"Well I'll swan. Never thought they'd take in help, but then Charlie is getting up in age a bit." She chuckled.

"The doc told me about you living here, and I wanted to come meet you. I don't know many people in

the area and it's nice to know there is a woman close." Willa explained.

"To tell the truth, it is nice to see a woman. Most visitors are strangers looking for a little work. And I don't cotton to many of the women in town. Got their noses stuck in the air. Doc worries about me too much. I’m fine. But I suppose you would get a bit lonely for some woman talk ever now and then, I know I do."

Willa nodded, "You look just fine." Willa told her, her eyes going over her with interest.

Cora stared at the baby who smiled at her immediately.

"Well look at that. Is he your boy?"