Page 42 of Stay With Me

Willa smiled, "I am glad of that."

Clay was sitting on the other side, the side where Willa usually sat.

Charlie seemed to notice the smiles between them, but he didn't say anything.

"Charlie I'm going to visit Mrs. Williams down the road today. I've got a roast already cooked and you can make sandwiches with it. But how do I get to her place? The doc said it was about ten miles down the road, but he didn't give me any directions other than that."

Charlie was a bit surprised to hear of this but pleased too. "Cora will be thrilled to have some company. What made you think of her?"

"The doc was telling me about her. He worries because she is so alone out there. And I thought it would be good to get to know some women about."

"Yes, she's my age and if anything happened, we wouldn't know it until it was too late. She's worked that property herself since her husband died and anything could happen. That's a cracker jack idea too. Well now, you just head west, about ten miles. The house sits a ways from the road, but you can see it easy enough. Not much out there to hide it. She's got a big oak tree in the front yard. And introduce yourself when you get there as she'll probably have a rifle pointed at you. If she don't know you, she's pretty cautious about people she don't know."

"Will me being in Indian clothes upset her when she sees me?"

"Not Cora, she don't scare easily. She's a tough old bird and sweet lady when you get to know her. She often trades with the Indians."

"Do you want to go with me?" Willa asked.

"Clay's already asked me to help him work on your room. Or I'd go."

"It will be nice to have a room of my own." Willa smiled at Clay. "Next time I go though; you can go with me. I'll take Elan and maybe she'll enjoy meeting him."

"She loves kids, and she will be tickled to meet you, I'm sure."

"Good." Willa passed the biscuits and Charlie dug into the food with a relish.

When she finished the dishes, she decided to take some cookies she'd made yesterday. She wrapped them in a cloth and packed some things for Elan and when Charlie went to feed the animals, Clay lingered long enough to kiss her goodbye. And it was no peck, he took her into his arms and kissed her tenderly, smiling as he pulled away to stare into her face.

She blushed.

"I'll miss you," he murmured near her ear.

She sighed in his arms.

Elan gurgled and she pulled away from his amorous kisses.

"I'll be back before dark," she promised.

"I'll be waiting." He told her with a smile.

"Just get that room finished as soon as you can."

"Honey, it's my number one priority."

She kissed him for that admission, surprising him with her boldness.

"I like that." He murmured.

"What?" she asked in a whisper.

"You kissing me."


"So, what's going on, son. You and Willa seemed to have been giving each other some looks this morning. Did I miss something?"

"No, not exactly, you didn't miss anything except, well, I asked her to marry last night." He told him.