Page 37 of Stay With Me

Her eyes widened with pure terror. "Why do you seek me?"

"You know why. I want what you been givin' Clay all this time."

"You are wrong. I have never…"

But he reached for her and she started to scream, but she would not bring Clay or Charlie trouble.

"Leave me alone," she cried.

"Not on your life." He sneered.

Elan cooed and Ed turned to see him in the shadows. "He won't give us any trouble."

Ed reached for her again, she tried to get away, but he threw her down in the hay and moved to undo his britches.

She shrieked, "Please, please do not do this!" she cried.

"Aw don't take it so personal. You're just a pretty squaw and I been thinking about this a while now. Ain't no reason Charlie and Clay should have all the fun." He raised her dress to her hips and crawled over her.

"I ain't had me a woman in a long time, I'm overdue, and you and I can have a lot of fun. No one has to know!"

Ed kissed her and she fought him. She clawed his face.

"Damn you?" he cried and slapped her hard on the cheek.

He was about to take her when a shadow came upon them.

"Touch her one more time and you’re a dead man!" Clay towered over them now.

Ed moved slowly, and Willa tried to make herself decent once more.

Ed scrambled to his feet, pulling up his pants. "What the hell do you care, she's just a damn squaw?"

Clay's jaw clenched as he laid the lantern down and hit Ed on the chin. "Get out of here. Get out before I kill you."

Ed moved swiftly now but turned as he was about to mount his horse. "So that's the way it is, huh? Well, enjoy her while you can, when everyone finds out you been havin' her, they'll come and burn you out."

Clay pointed the rifle at Ed and came closer. "I ought to blow you head off for that remark Ed."

Willa stood up now and came to Clay's side, she pulled on his gun arm. "No, do not kill because of me."

"Did he hurt you?" He came closer.


Clay stared at Ed, and aimed his rifle at him, "Get off my property Ed, and don't come back or the next time I won't be as generous."

"You'll be sorry!" Ed laughed.

He rode off and Clay turned to look at Willa.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes," she moved toward Elan.

"What were you doing out here this time of night?" He asked her.

"I was leaving, I would have left you a message, but I cannot write" She turned away from him. A quiet anticipation began to grow between them now. Like a thin piece of twine, it was stretching its limits.