Page 35 of Stay With Me

"Thanks, no one knows it but you right now. I haven't even told dad, but he'll be thrilled. But I wanted to prepare you." Clay told him.

The doc nodded. "Let's have a look at your back now."

Clay took his shirt off, with a bit of a wince he turned so the doc could see it.

"Good Lord, Haywood did this?"

"Yes, I didn't see you on the street that day?"

"I was out at the Peterson farm; Grace had her fourth baby." Doc replied as he examined the scars. "They are healing wonderfully. She doctored you?"

"Yes, she sewed the really bad one up and put some kind of poultice on them."

"They look good, no infection anywhere. How's your dad," he asked as he handed him the shirt back.

"He seems better."

The doc looked a

t him squarely now and shook his head. "Despite it all Clay, I think that woman is good for you both. And the child too. I offer you my blessings for what it's worth."

"Thanks doc, but don't say anything to Willa yet, I haven't asked her."

"Aren't you assuming a lot then?"

"I don't think so. She wears her heart in her eyes doc." Clay smiled. "I know she won't speak of it, until I do, and I'm ready. She just doesn't want to cause any trouble. I haven't even kissed her, but that doesn't matter. She's what me and dad both need, and the little one here, too."

He extended his hand to Clay, "Then let me be the first to congratulate you. And wish you well."

"You may be the only one to wish me well," Clay chuckled. "But I've made up my mind and you are right, she's good for us both, doc."

"I see that, I really do, Clay. I'm kind of proud you do too." Doc smiled.

Willa came in with Charlie right behind her.

"Doc, what are you doin' out here?" Charlie asked as he bent to kiss Elan on the cheek.

"Heard Clay got himself into a little trouble, thought I'd check on him, and you. So how are you feeling?"

"I'm better. Willa reminds me to take my medicine regular like." Charlie chuckled.

The doc looked at Willa. "Well, I'll be. Never thought you'd take it."

"Really, I'm not that much of a hard ass, doc." Charlie chuckled.

"You were, but it looks as though Willa has done some good around here." The doc smiled at her.

She beamed.

He ate breakfast with them then left as he had to call upon another patient down the road. Before he left Willa gathered the vegetables, she had saved for him so he could take them to the man with scurvy. The doc was very grateful.

"You have a nice garden, did you do that, Willa?"

"Yes, Charlie and Clay were not eating well when I came here. I think that is what has made him sick. Now Charlie gets better food, and he's feeling better and stronger too. I don't think he would have gotten the consumption if he'd eaten better."

"I appreciate what you've done Willa, I do. And you are right. Thanks again for the vegetables."

"Any time you need something, stop by, if I have it, I will gladly give it to help someone."