Page 24 of Stay With Me

She looked at herself and then at him. "I have no white woman's clothes, Charlie. Besides, it helps me keep my place, if you can understand it. I know what you want. I too am not blind, but you must not encourage him; would only cause you both trouble. And I do not wish to bring trouble to either of you. I care too much to bring sadness to you."

"I thought so. You won't say it, and neither will he, but I've seen the changes in my own son, and the stars in your eyes when he looks at you. Well, things have a way of working out. I only hope I'm around to see it."

Willa smiled, leaned and kissed his forehead, "You are too onry to die."

Charlie chuckled and Elan copied him. Charlie laughed and wrestled with him on the bed. Elan laughed.

Willa went to finish fixing supper. It was only stew and cornbread, but she wanted to give Charlie and Elan time together. She knew her son adored Charlie.

What they spoke of scared her. If she was to get out of line with Clay, she would jeopardize what she had here. But still, the very fact that Charlie approved of her liking Clay made her heart beat faster. She loved Charlie, and she was quickly growing closer to Clay.

Chapter Eight

Thinking about what Charlie said, Willa looked at Clay at the table that evening. "Charlie thinks if I wore a white woman's dress, I might be more accepted by the town's people. What do you think?"

Clay glanced from Willa to his father. "He might have a point. You are after all half white so there's really no reason you shouldn't. We could go into town and you could get a couple of dresses."

"I have no money to pay for them though." She frowned. "And going into town might cause problems."

"Well, you're our cook, we need to pay you for your work." Clay insisted. "I tell you what we can go to Farmersville and pick up a couple of dresses there."

"Alright, then I will buy a dress and when Elan is older, I will dress him like a cowboy too." Willa smiled.

They all chuckled.

Clay glanced at his dad who was smiling at the baby, "How are you feeling dad?"

"I'm fine, probably too much sun."

"You scared the daylights out of me. What did the doc say?"

"It's nothing," Charlie tried to brush it off.

"He has consumption." Willa remarked lowly.

"Willa…!" Charlie frowned at her.

"He needs to know, Charlie." Willa told him sternly. "And you must take your medicine and do as the doctor said."

Charlie got up from the table and walked to the door, "I don't need no nursemaid." Charlie quipped.

Clay looked at him sternly. "Maybe you do, old man."

Charlie walked out the door and slammed it.

"He is angry?" Willa looked shocked. "I am sorry."

"He'll get over it. He gets contrary when he gets under the weather, but consumption is serious." He looked at her now. "Will you help me keep him under control."

"Under control?"

"He's got to do what the doc says, consumption is not to be taken lightly, especially at his age." Clay frowned.

"I will do my best."

She looked down at Elan who was smacking his lips.

"Willa, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Clay told her and reached to touch her hand covering it gently. There was something about touching her, her hand felt so right in his. Her heart hammered, and she longed to look into Clay's eyes, but she dare not.