Page 22 of Stay With Me

"I will." Willa promised.

Elan stared at the doc, then pointed. He made a sound, but no one knew what he was saying. Elan cried his attempt to speak was not clear, but he made the sound, pointing to Charlie. He barely mumbled, but everyone turned to look at the little one. Willa looked at Charlie, "He's trying to call you Papa, isn't he?"

"I think so," Charlie chuckled.

"Is he your grandson Charlie?" the Doc asked nonchalantly.

"No, but I'd like him to be." Charlie smiled at the baby.

"He's sure got a head full of hair." The doc laughed.

The doc stared at Charlie. Charlie just smiled, "I taught him that. He'll be saying it right before long, you wait and see."

"I see. Well, now you rest up Charlie, when you feel tuckered, I want you to take it easy, and I'll check in on you every now and then to see if you're holding up."

"Alright doc," Charlie frowned.

Willa put Elan up on the bed with Charlie and she saw Charlie instantly smile. He looked at the doc. "This little scamp keeps me on my toes," Charlie touched Elan's cheek. Elan smiled and leaned against Charlie, cooing at him.

"He's quite taken with you." The doc noticed.

"I feel the same of him," Charlie smiled.

Willa walked the doc to the door. "The baby is good for Charlie; it might keep him alive. He sure came alive when you put Elan on the bed with him just now. I think maybe you two being here might help a great deal. I've never been able to get Charlie to take anything I prescribed for him."

"They care for each other." Willa smiled. "And I will see he takes the medicine."

"Where's the father?" The doc asked. "I mean if you don't mind me asking."

Taken by surprise Willa told him he had died. She went on to explain, "My father came and got me on the reservation, as my mother had died. We headed this way and it's as far as we got. The chief's son was his father. My father killed him when he would not let me go with him. When we came here, some of the braves followed, my father was killed in the battle."

"What did they want?"

"My son!"

"I see. Sounds like you've had a pretty rough time of it."

"Not as rough as I could have if Charlie and Clay hadn't been so kind as to offer me a job so I could take care of my son. I must confess, I was lost when my father died so suddenly. You see, my father was a drifter, he had no home. But he planned to make one for us, he just didn't live long enough."

"Well, I think that's beneficial for all of you, to stay somewhere you are welcomed. I'm sorry for your losses."

"My father and husband were both brave men and they both died bravely. You see, I didn't love my husband, it was an arranged marriage, but I respected his love for his son."

The doc seemed to study her words carefully, then smiled. "Well Willa, welcome to our community. I'm sorry I haven't been out here before now to welcome you."

"It is nice of you to do so. Not many would. Look doctor, I am a breed, and I know people in town will talk of me. But I must set things straight if I'm to live here. Elan is my child, Clay nor Charlie are kin to him in any way. I am Christian and I believe in God. As his mother, I must support my child and take care of him. By working here, I can accomplish this as not all white would offer me a home."

The doc leaned toward her with a smile, "Listen these two boys have needed a woman around for a long time. And you've got the place looking very clean. And it smells heavenly in here. Don't you worry about what people say, I can see that you are doing what God intended, taking care of your child, and helping your neighbor, Charlie and Clay."

"I have made a stew; we have a good garden growing now and I planted many vegetables. You are welcome to share a meal with us." Willa told him.

"Thanks, but I got to see Mrs. Williams down the road while I'm out this way. She's old and alone and I'm worried about her. Say, that reminds me, I have a patient out further with the scurvy. I wonder if I stopped off here every now and then if I could take some vegetables to him. I'd pay for them of course."

"Of course, I have a nice size garden it is just now putting out I will gladly share some with you, without pay."

"That would be wonderful, thanks."

"Oh, where does she, this Mrs. Williams live?" Willa asked with interest.