Page 76 of Stolen Heart

"You are going with me, and you're never coming back." He told her with a grin.

"You can't do this. You know as well as I that I can't replace Naomie." She cried.

"No, you can't. But the satisfaction I will get by keeping you with me, will be enough." He chuckled.

"Satisfaction? How will it satisfy?"

"I take Walking Bear and you from your brother. I take you from your husband, Black Wolf. It is revenge."

"I thought you were after the blue coats." Sasha argued.

"I am."

"You are crazy. Do not do this, as it will mean your death."

"Maybe so!" he laughed.

"Black Wolf will kill you for this."

"He'll try, I'm sure of that. But he won't succeed. Now shut up, I must ride now." He told her.

She hung on as he whipped his horse into action. She glanced behind them but there was no one to see what had happened. No one would ever know.

"No one saw us, how will they know you have me?" She cried.

"Because if they show up, you will be my shield." He told her with a haughty laugh.

"I am with child Big Knife, if you don't care for me at all, please have mercy on my child." She cried out.

"With child," he almost stopped the horse at that news. "Well then," He thought a moment. "I have found another bounty. I will keep your child and perhaps throw you away. I will raise him to be like me."

At that remark Sasha shut her mouth, she had said the wrong thing now.

"When is this child due?"

"In the winter." She told him as hot tears stung her eyes.

"Good, we will lay low in the cold winter months in the caverns of the mountains, where no one can find us. And you can have your child. Once he is born, he will be mine! And yours no longer."

"And if it is a girl?"

"You better hope it's a boy." He told her.

It took nearly a week to get to the mountains and another week to get to the cave. But the place was buzzing with things going on. Somehow Big Knife had stolen more guns and was collecting quite an arsenal. Sasha could not believe he was so organized.

"What you gonna do with her?" Flat Head asked Big Knife when he saw Sasha.

"I have a use for her. She is my revenge on Nakota and Black Wolf." Big Knife explained. "And a shield no less."

"You don’t know if they killed Naomie!" Flat Head said.

"Of course they did, they recognized Naomie and killed her. Now shut up and get to counting the ammunition."

"We only took ten repeaters," Flat Head told him.

"Don't worry, we'll get more later." Big Knife assured him.

Sasha knew most of the men here, as they came from her tribe. Some smiled at her, others frowned.