He smiled, and kissed her on the head, "And I you, my sweet."
They slept for an hour or so, then when he began to move, she woke and cuddled him to her. "So tell me, how did it go?" She placed a hand on his chest, her cheek beside his.
He cradled her against him and sighed his hands still busy at her breasts. "Not as well as I wanted, but it will be settled by spring."
"What do you mean?" she asked looking up at him.
"We caught Big Knife trying to steal the blue coats guns shipment. The General had sent some of his men with us to capture him."
"Did you?"
"No, he got away, I'm afraid. The moment Naomie died, he went wild with fury, killing two soldiers as he escaped with three of his men."
Sasha sighed. "Was there a battle?"
"Oh yes, half his men died, the others the soldiers took back to the fort, all but three went with Big Knife."
"Do you think that will stop him?"
"No, but your brother and I will go after him once more when the snow begins to thaw." He rested his hand on her breasts and fondled her while he spoke.
She squirmed restlessly at his touch. "I'm sorry."
"Naomie was killed!" he told her.
She raised up, "Killed?"
"Yes, she was there, fighting with them. No one knew it until Big Knife tried to kill Nakota. He came charging up, whooping and hollering, and I couldn't make out what was wrong until I looked around and saw Naomie in the snow, her hair in her face, her body bleeding."
Sasha sat up, "She's dead?"
"Yes, she is."
"I am sorry for the child."
Black Wolf nodded, "I suppose if she'd stayed here, that wouldn't have happened. But she did kill your father."
"Yes, and she met her fate. I am not sorry for her death, only the child."
"Yes, you are right."
"So did you bring anyone back?"
"No, the soldiers took them to the fort to hang."
"But not Big Knife?"
"No, not Big Knife."
"I wish they would have got him and be done with it."
"The General wants to catch him and hang him. Your brother wants to bring him back to his tribe to face his actions. The General put out a wanted poster on him."
"Yes, I can understand that. But either way he will die, Wolf, as he should." Sasha told him.
"You will not be sorry?"
"No, not after all he's done. I just wish it was over. As long as he lives, there wi