But Naomie had come out of her tepee now. Most everyone had bedded down for the night. Black Wolf sprang to his feet.
"She is leaving. I must follow. I love you my sweet, never doubt it."
"Oh please, be careful," she called to him as he left.
He looked over his shoulder and shot her a sexy grin, "Always. I will return, my sweet Sasha."
Chapter Seventeen
Black Wolf followed a good distance behind Naomie, but c
lose enough to keep up with which direction she was going. She didn't travel as fast as most men so getting there took some time. Black Wolf found himself anxious to be done with Big Knife and Naomie too, for he had found the woman of his dreams and visions and he could not wait to return to her.
Naomie stopped many times to rest which frustrated Black Wolf, but if she truly was pregnant, it could be some kind of strain on her and the baby in the snow.
His mind kept drifting back to Sasha and he marveled at the sweet innocence of his beautiful wife. Even though she'd never made love, she was perfect, and he could not get her off his mind. Even now, he wanted her.
But as they got into the mountains, he realized he'd have to concentrate on where Naomie was going. For surely Big Knife had taught her to be cautious. At first climbing the mountains of the Wind River Valley, Black Wolf realized the density of pine, fir, and spruce trees. Being winter trees and rocks were prevalent more than plants, the terrain was treacherous and only one used to them could maneuver well on a horse in the snow. In places it was slippery and Naomie had a time getting through the rocks.
Naomie went in circles for a while, then she began climbing to the rocky peaks through forested canyons and rocks that were huge in size. climbing higher and higher into the mountain. Black Wolf watched her every move, determined not to get lost by her tactics. She was clever, he'd give her that. But after a bit she moved toward a huge cave that was hidden by the snowfall. It could not be recognizable for someone who did not know it was there.
Black Wolf ran into a couple of his men as they climbed, and they followed him. When they reached Big Knife's hideout, he turned to one of them.
"Go to Nakota" He told Lacoma, "and bring him here, as we've found their hiding place." Black Wolf instructed. Bear Paw stayed with Black Wolf.
They moved closer to hear the conversation between Naomie and Big Knife. She was so furious; she was yelling at Big Knife.
"Is it true?" Naomie demanded as she ran into his arms, almost hysterically.
"Is what true?" Big Knife took her in his arms, and it was plain from his voice that he was upset, and not pleased to see her.
"Did you challenge a Sioux for a maiden?" She accused.
"Where did you hear such a thing?" Big Knife's voice boomed through the cave.
"In the camp." She snarled at him. "Have you been wounded."
Big Knife looked into her face. "I did no such thing. And I am not wounded. They purposely planted that idea in your head to get you to come here. They must have followed you up here." Big Knife glanced out of the cave. "Did you see anyone following?"
"No, of course not. I left in the middle of the night. No one even saw me leave. I went in circles too so if there was anyone following, they would soon tire of following me."
Black Wolf and Bear Paw moved out of the line of his vision quickly so as not to give themselves away.
He came back toward Naomie and shook her by the arms, Black Wolf watched with fascination. "You little fool. Do you think I would do such a thing? You warm my bed, Naomie, I need no other. This war I plan will take most of my concentration, I have no time to frolic with Sioux maidens. How could you have fallen for such a story! Do you realize what you have done?"
"You have said you would marry both me and Sasha, how could I be sure you would not pick up another?" She hollered in her own defense.
"That was only to further my position with Walking Bear. I did not care for Sasha, had I married her, it would only be to further my position in the camp, and you know this. Where is the trust, Naomie?"
Naomie faltered a bit, obviously realizing she'd fallen for a trap.
"Walking Bear is dead!" She shouted to distract him from her mistake.
"Good," He glanced over his shoulder at her. He came closer, staring into her eyes. "You gave him the toad stools?"
Black Wolf noted there was no sorrow in his voice.
"Yes, just as you told me to." Naomie said hatefully. "I cut them up very small so no one could be sure what they were."