Page 60 of Stolen Heart

"Yes, I can see from the light of the fire she is quite upset, as she paces about. And we will have to watch for a long while to make sure she doesn't head out." Black Wolf told her.

"What do you think she will do now?"

"If she's as jealous as you say, she'll light out of here, probably late tonight." He told her.

Sasha brought him some supper and he sat and watched the tepee. "I saw her tears, so she is very upset."


; "Well, it's a dirty trick to play on someone but it had to be done."

"I hate that you have to go back!" Sasha cried.

"I know my sweet, but we must put a stop to Big Knife before he ruins the whole Valley and causes much bloodshed. He will not waste much time, I'm sure of that."

"And what will you do with her?"

"Just follow until I find out where he's at."

"Will you bring her back here?"

"Yes, when we catch Big Knife. She is pregnant with his child you said?"

"Yes, that's what she told me."

"Then she has a right to be jealous. How long will it take to swear Nakota in as the new Chief?" Black Wolf asked.

"When he comes back, the elders will swear him in, then they will have a council and Big Knife and Naomie will face them with their deeds."

"Good. The sooner he is chief, the better." Black Wolf said. "There is a small chance that the army will take Big Knife to the fort if they are with us and hang him."

Sasha got quiet then, knowing Black Wolf would leave her again upset her, but she knew it was right. Still, last night and this morning had been so wonderful, and she did not want to lose her husband so soon. She silently marveled at how glorious their coming together was. She never imagined herself liking making love.

She blushed from the memory.

"I know you must go, but… " she blushed once more when he looked up at her.

He looked at her with a soft smile now, "I know, it was so very good between us Sasha. I knew it would be. But we will have many good nights. I promise you that."

She nodded sadly, "I hope so."

He bent his head and kissed her. When he lay his plate down, he brought her into his lap and held her close.

"Last night was heaven for me," he told her.

"And me also." She hugged him closer, her voice going to a soft whisper.

"Did I scare you?"

"No!" she replied and then smiled. "From the day I met you, there was no fear there. You spoke your mind, and you were honest. Secretly, I liked that."

His hand went up her dress and touched the sweetness of her there. She quivered in his arms, "Oh Wolf, last night was my first time, but now, I seem to want you so much. I am ashamed that it is so."

He pulled her chin up and stared into her eyes with a gleaming smile, "Never be ashamed of loving me. Loving is natural and the Creator is pleased. We are married and there is nothing wrong in what we did. It was beautiful, Sasha, and I too want you, every time I look at you."

"You do?" she looked shocked.

"Of course I do. You are my woman, my wife, and we are one now. We belong to each other. It is the most beautiful thing the Creator has made for his people."