Page 58 of Stolen Heart

She gasped.

"Now we are going to be one." He smiled into her flushed face.

"Oh," she smiled as he kept pumping himself inside her sweetness. The more he pumped himself inside her, the more she pulled him closer and her muscles began to work to keep him in her warm nesting place.

He groaned with such satisfaction at her eagerness.

She felt her body building toward him, as though seeking something. She moved with him, and gasp at her own pleasure.

"Have I hurt you?" he murmured.

"No, oh, no, you could never hurt me. I’m sure of that. I guess I was too distracted to notice any pain."

"Sweet Sasha." He whispered, then slowly began a rhythm with her that made her feel so loved and comforted, and so very womanly. But the more he moved, the more she followed those moves, wanting more from him, demanding more from him until they were so hot and sweaty and perfectly attuned to one another and then it really happened. An explosion of excitement held them suspended into each other, so heady, so fulfilling she stopped breathing for a moment, the exquisite oneness she felt with this man overcame her and she moved him deeper inside her, wanting him to crawl inside her and stay there forever.

Waves upon waves of happiness assailed her, and she knew she'd been more than properly loved.

"Oh, Wolf," she sighed and relaxed. "I think I'm going to like this making love." she giggled with glee, as she whispered in his ear just for him.

"Yes, my sweet, we are one now, you are mine at last. I will hold this in my memory for years to come." He smiled into her face. "Now we are one, as the Creator intended. And it was a beautiful coming together."

He put his hands on her butt and squeezed her gently, "You were more than I ever expected a woman to be."

She hugged him to her, "Is it always this good between a man and a woman?"

"When there is love, it is."

"I never imagined! Had I, I would have been yours that first day."

He chuckled and kissed her for that admission.

"It was a glorious coming together my sweet. Now and forever."

"It was the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. Thank you, my husband!" she smiled up at him.

"I'm glad I pleased you." He told her.

"Pleased me? I only hope it will not be the last."

He laughed. "It is only the beginning."

Chapter Sixteen

They slept cuddled into each other's arms. The next day they kissed and held each other close. "I will remember last night for the rest of my life." She whispered in his ear. "I have truly left my old life behind and found a new one, a better one."

"So have I, I'm so glad I came back. And to be welcomed this way, I didn't expect it so soon." He kissed her once more. "But I am sad I will have to leave you soon."

"I wish you didn't have to go back."

"So do I. But there is no reason we cannot make love once more, is there?" he asked.

"I would like that," she whispered as he raised her dress over her head, and she went to him eagerly. This time her hands explored him, and she kissed and loved him all over, no longer shy or intimidated. She kissed his nipples as he had hers and she saw it excited him as her hands went over him, touching, looking and kissing.

"You are so beautiful my Sasha. And I like your eagerness to be with me."

"Did I do alright last night?" she asked shyly.

"Alright? You did exactly right. I could not ask for a better wife, Sasha. I love you, with all my heart."