Page 44 of Stolen Heart

"He is gone, now! In peace." Minola told her. "Weep no more for the Creator has him in his arms."

Minola began to chant and Sasha joined her, their tears flowing freely now. In minutes there was a drumbeat to announce the death of the chief.

All day they chanted and prayed.

But the next day Minola had news. "Naomie has returned."

"Returned? I cannot believe she would. But I cannot worry of her now. We need to prepare my father for his going to the Creator."

"Yes, I will arrange it all. Your aunts chant for him and pray outside now, they know what has happened and they are very sad."

"Thank you." Sasha said sadly.

Sasha would think no more on Naomie at this time.

Although Sasha felt a hate burning in her heart for her best friend and Big Knife, she carried out the duties as the Chief's daughter first. She would worry over them later. She would learn to forgive much later.

There was much mourning and drums beat for three whole days. On the third day, they buried Walking Bear.

There were chants and music to honor the chief and Sasha felt so lonely in her heart. Her aunt stayed with her, but there was something missing and Sasha didn't know what it was. Her father had been so much a part of her life, how could she let him go so easily? But her Aunt talked to her for some time about it, until Sasha felt more at ease of his death.

On the fourth day after the burial Sasha decided it was time to face Naomie.

Minola nodded, "Be careful, she lies."

"I know, I have learned many things since I left." She smiled into the old woman's face with sympathy.

"It is good." Minola smiled, pushing back her graying black hair.

"I will be back soon." Sasha promised.

She went to find Naomie. But Naomie was not hiding. She sat innocently in her tepee with her sister, Wasso. Wasso, unlike her sister was quiet and sweet.

Wasso smiled at Sasha but left when she came in.

"So you have returned?" Sasha asked staring into the deceiving eyes of her former friend.

"I merely went to bathe," Naomie told her.

"You were gone several days. Do not bother to lie to me. What did you give to my father, that made him so ill?" Sasha came closer now.

"I did not give him anything! Why do you accuse me so?"

Sasha slapped her face, "Do not lie any longer and disgrace yourself. I am a healer, and you know it. You cannot hide what you have done. Except for my aunt, no one else fed him but you. And I know my aunt would not poison him. If you do not tell me I will have you before the council this very day."

"I do not know what you are talking about. You are not making sense, Sasha. I know Chief Walking Bear is dead and I am sorry, but you cannot blame me for it."

"It is true you fed him a meal not less than a week ago, and he's been sick ever since?"

"I gave him his favorite meal. Quail with savory gravy."

"And did you not put toad stools in it?" Sasha asked.

"I put mushrooms in it, like I always do, don't be silly."

"You lie. You have lied to me for two years, Naomie your treachery will be punished." Sasha insisted.

"Prove it!" Naomie hollered then smiled wistfully, raising her chin in defiance.