Page 32 of Stolen Heart

"Yes," he smiled again. "I'm enticing you to make love, but if you do not want it, just say so or raise your hand, I will not make you. For I do not wish to merely have your body, Sasha."

"You keep saying that, but isn't that what the kisses coax us into doing?"

Something in her eyes softened.

"Tell me something, do you like my kisses?" he asked

"Yes," she admitted when he took her earlobe between his teeth and nipped playfully there, then his breath tickled her ear and more goosebumps appeared on her arms. She couldn't stop the gasp of pleasure that leaked from her. "How can I deny it gives pleasure."

"As much as Big Knife's?"

She pulled away to look at him, a beautiful blush colored her cheeks. "You do not understand about me and Big Knife. I cannot blame you, for I only understood just days ago. Since you are now my husband, I must tell you. There is no need to be jealous of him, as we never did anything but kiss. Well maybe not even that." she admitted. "It's just, I hardly know you. And I'll admit this, even with Big Knife I would be hesitant to make love."

"That is a surprising admission." He raised his head and studied her. "Right now, you are my wife, and if I take you, you will be my woman too. Do you understand?"

She nodded and moved her cheek against his. "Yes. That is part of my hesitation, as it is a complete commitment to one another. That I do understand."

"I do not think you'll give into me so quickly. I mean I know when I kiss you, you kiss me back."

She swallowed and looked him in the eyes. "It's the way you kiss me," she raised her head and met his glance.

"The way I kiss you?" he looked puzzled. "You don't like the way I kiss you?"

"No, I mean yes, I do like it." She nodded, with a red flush to her face. "But I've never felt that way before… My body seems to react to you. That has never happened to me before. I mean, I suppose I really don't know much about love. For the kisses Big Knife gave did not intoxicate me, and yet yours… "

"But he did kiss you, didn't he?"

"Not like you kiss me." She whispered. "that is partly what flusters me."

"But you were going to marry him. Were there no times when you wanted more from him?"

She frowned at the ground now, her fingers touching the softness of the blanket. Her mind seem to race to answer his question now. "I did not at that time know there was more." She admitted.

He stared, then slowly nodded, as though it dawned on him what she meant.

"You have called me wise many times. But I am not. For I did not know there was a difference until I saw them, kissing and when you kissed me. I guess I am hard to understand. You see, when I came upon him and Naomie, they were making love. I watched as I know little about it. And sadly, I watched to learn more. I was so absorbed in learning about this, I forgot who they were. But the way he kissed her, and the way he kissed me, was much different. I finally realized that. Even I could see that. I never felt that way around him. When I think of it now, I feel so foolish as I didn't realize the difference."

Black Wolf stared with disbelief.

"But you loved him and were going to marry him." Black Wolf still sounded confused.

"True, or I thought so at least. But when I saw them, I recognized the difference right a

way. I never felt inclined to be that… close with him. "

"Show me," he encouraged. "Show me how he kissed you."

She leaned against him and touched her lips to his, then pulled away.

"That is how he kissed you?" He asked amazed.

"Every time?"


"I see. Now show me how I kiss you." He encouraged with a slight smile.

"Well," she was breathless now as she came closer. Her arms went around his neck and she pulled him toward her, but this kiss was like a fever, as his lips moved against hers now and she fell back against the blanket as he took over the kiss. She felt her whole body react to the kiss.