Page 19 of Stolen Heart

"Actually no, I wasn't."

"Good, we are already making progress then." He smiled at her.

His smile was genuine, and it had a strange effect on her.

As the day faded, Black Wolf took her back toward her tepee. But before he let her go inside, he bent to kiss her.

"What are you doing," she shrieked as he bent his head and touched her nose with his.

He smiled sexily, as his head began to descend. "Giving you something to compare with."

"How can you do this… "

"A woman, like a man, should have someone to compare with so she knows there is more than one to choose from. But choose wisely Sasha as it is a lifelong commitment."

She was about to object when his lips tentatively touched hers and before she knew what hit her, he was holding her in his arms. His lips massaged hers softly, like a feather that teased her into a swift submission. She was breathless and blushing when they came up for air.

He pulled away slowly, "You have soft lips, Sasha, beautiful soft lips." He smiled down into her smoldering eyes.

"First you storm me with a kiss, then flattery?" she tried to turn away, but he lifted her chin with the curve of a finger, his eyes gleaming into hers.

"A man should always appreciate the woman he marries, Sasha. And kissing you is certainly no chore." He murmured. "I believe like the bible says. A woman should be precious to her husband. He should lavish her with presents and speak kindly of her always."

"Are you attracted to me?" she murmured with a breathless whisper as though that stunned her too.

"Very much so, aren't you attracted to me… even a little."

She raised her chin to eye him, "Perhaps a little, you are a very handsome man. But I'm sure you know that, and don't need me to confirm it."

"You are wrong. In the bible," He raised his head and studied her a moment. "God speaks of cherishing your mate, speaking well of them, admiring them even." He held her chin with one hand, his eyes meeting hers with an intense stare. "It is not the physical attraction I seek from you, Sasha."

"It isn't?" she barely uttered.

"A body is just that, a body. The heart is much more. I seek your heart first, Sasha, and once I have that, I will seek your body so that we may become one in the eyes of the Creator. For I seek children from you too. I seek to tear down the walls between us and find the love that you keep so hidden. I find it hard to believe you've ever been in love."

Her mouth fell open, and his eyes assessed her.

"You are a beautiful woman, Sasha, and I believe you hold many treasures within you. Goodnight my sweet."

"I will see you tomorrow?"

He nodded and walked away.

She stood staring after the man. How could a man she didn't really know speak the words she'd sought so long for? His words were like poetry to her and if he really believed all he said, then she truly had to at least like him.

The girls had seen them kissing and giggled when she came inside. They didn't say anything, just smiled.

But there was much excitement because they had worked all day on her wedding dress. When Sasha saw it, tears came into her eyes.

"You do not like it?" Blue Bird asked her face sad.

"It's beautiful!" she cried. And truly it was. It was the softest of white leather, with beads and quills around the neck and boots to match. The fringe alone was so delicate and soft. "You have done so much work on it, how could I not like it."

It wasn't the dress she cried about. It was Big Knife. She suddenly realized she wouldn't be marrying him, but a complete stranger. A compelling stranger, no

netheless. And after seeing all that was between Big Knife and Naomie, she knew it was time to put him in the past and not think on him any longer. For this man had earned the right to marry her and he was a chief too!

Sasha had always been obedient to her father, for he was the Chief and her father. She felt she owed Black Wolf the same respect. For obviously he was a good Chief and she was thankful for that.