"She is the best woman I have ever known, Nakota. I will love her forever."
"You did have a good trip."
Black Wolf smiled, "Very good."
"Night my brother," Nakota smiled.
The next morning they were all nearly frozen, the only thing that warmed them was taking turns walking around.
"What I'd give for a buffalo hide right now," Bear Paw laughed.
"Yeah, that would be nice." They all nodded.
But one of the men came out of the cave and they were getting their horses to ride.
After they mounted up, Black Wolf and the others followed.
It was too cold to talk so they rode, and the snow came once more making the trip very hard in the rocky areas. With over three foot of snow on the ground the trip was long and tedious.
The wind picked up which didn't help.
One of Big Knife's men fell off a cliff and died instantly. His horse fell atop him, he couldn't have survived.
Black Wolf wished they would ride faster to get out of the weather. With days of no warmth it was getting to all the men.
Even bundled as well as they were, the freezing nights were enough to kill them all.
A week of trekking through the heavily rocked mountaintop they got a break in the weather.
Black Wolf camped far enough in back of them that they finally could have a fire. Bear Paw had managed to keep an eye on Big Knife and his men as he went ahead of them to make sure they didn't lose sight of them. Using bows and arrows they hunted for meat and finally got a warm meal.
As they got down the mountain, they headed for Fort Hall. "The army will know where the supplies are coming from, we can get details and some help there." Black Wolf told Nakota.
General Blevins was in charge of the Fort at the time and he knew the supply train that was coming. With graying hair and a hefty beard the general was easy to spot at the Fort. "They are coming from the wagon train trail. They should be here in about a week. How did you know about that shipment?" He looked at bit miffed that they had knowledge of it.
"Big Knife has left the Arapaho tribe and has started up his own group of warriors. They plan to attack that supply wagon train and take the
rifles. And they know about it as they have planted a spy in your fort. They plan to attack the Fort after they are armed. We have to stop them General. They are planning a war with you. We the Shoshone and Arapahos do not want this war. But Big Knife has planned it and if he gets those rifles, he can do a lot of damage."
"Where did this information come from?"
"We've been following Big Knife from our camp sir. And one other thing you should know. One of your scouts is feeding Big Knife all of this information. Because of this they will know every move you make, unless you find him."
"I see. Big Knife, you say? Yes, I have a pretty big file on him now. A spy in my fort, a scout, you say? Do you have a name for this scout?"
"No sir. We don't know who it is, but he is a scout, so that should narrow it down some." Nakota came forward, "He is an Arapaho. Big Knife has stirred up some of my people and even other tribes to join him. Once they get the guns the trouble will start all over again sir. My people on the Wind River Valley Reservation do not want this war. Nor do the Shoshone. That's why we have come to try to stop it. But we need help."
"Have the Sioux and Crow joined in on this?" The General asked.
"Not that we know of. I doubt it, as Big Knife will want all the credit for starting this war." Nakota told him.
"Alright, I'll send a detachment with you then. We need to make sure they don't get those guns. Although my men on the train are heavily armed, they aren't expecting any trouble."
"Sir, not to be nosey, but is this a routine shipment, or special?" Nakota asked.